Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/09/annual-marshmallow-fluff-festi.html
Although this is virtual, you will want to avoid having marshmallow fluff near your keyboard and screen.
Yay for Mimi (an old gal pal of mine)!
My cat is named Fluffernutter.
Joe Bishop in the Expeditionary Force series (https://www.amazon.com/gp/bookseries/B01H8RNXWO) would be in heaven.
Note: The series is a fun, comical read, not the usual heavy, space opera.
I bought my first jar of Fluff a few months ago. Have not had a fluffernutter yet.
Revolting stuff.
No kidding!
Who said anything about EATING it?
Is true. She’d gone to Wellesley, I was living in Cambridge. She’d started the Fluff parade in Somerville years and years ago, and had had a Public Access TV show way back in the day. I think she has something like five sisters, all of whom have fiery red hair.
Small world! Wow. Here we are: https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5skebgMVs/
Not even six degrees any more! Looks like fun was being had all around. Cheers!
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