Another victim claimed by 11foot8 + 8 bridge


“It was the fault…of the government!”


How about mounting a large-screen display that just streams the 11’8” Bridge YouTube channel?


@MerelyGifted & @nosaj

What? No, no, no.
I was thinking of the Blake/Parry/Elgar classic:

And did this bridge in ancient time
Crush rented trucks like rusty cans
And was debris of Budget vans
On Durham’s pleasant underpasses seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon the H-beam strong?
And did the railroad build it there,
Within the specs of ancient time?

Bring me the crash bar of burning gold
Bring me the water curtain of desire
Bring me the unworkable suggestions!
Bring me the bingo card of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my slide rule sleep in my hand
Till we have built a higher bridge
In Durham’s green & pleasant Land.




applause 6


Every crashed truck stops generating rental income until it’s fixed and placed back in service. Maybe the renter pays for their lost revenue as a part of damage reimbursement, but I don’t know.

And since we’re already playing Bridge Bingo, I get to offer my own solution. If I owned the rental company, I’d stick a custom built GPS box in each truck that if the driver approaches the bridge on that road it sounds an alarm in the cab, flashes bright red lights across the dash, loudly plays the phrase “Stop! Brake now!” over the speakers, and maybe even kills the engine. Such a box would cost about one or two hundred dollars in parts and assembly, and the required coding is already written here. Durham has plenty of Very Smart People who could easily build these.

You gotta figure each crash costs someone close to 5 figures. One or two avoided crashes would recover those costs.


Think of the boost to the GDP though! (/s)


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