I don’t know how many of you guys were around back when Valve’s employee handbook went viral, but here’s a quick blast from the past!
And the actual handbook. . .
So, a few of us have been bouncing around ideas and want to make something like that, but more complete (think a bunch of networked Google islands), and that can encompass any aspect of life that can be embodied inside a corporation (which is pretty much everything)
We also wanted to design something that would save the planet (because it’s where we keep all our stuff) and generally do a lot of good in the world, but do it in a way that was realistic based on how the world currently works and how resources are currently distributed. Here’s a quick draft (way shorter than Valve’s!)
Awesome Incorporated: Employee/Citizen/Owner’s Handbook
EDIT: I split out the creation of ‘seeds’ (sort of a heavily customized intentional community that’s collectively serves as both a source of possible expansion and/or fills a direct business need) into it’s own guide here
Also, there’s a more story-based version that uses Dr. Who as a literary mechanism and hits on a few of the other world-helping long-term benefits here. .
We want a lot more fingers in this because it’s a big idea and ideas like that deserve it, and we’re NOT proud people.
We’re especially looking for people who can help market, pitch, prettify, help with other media, share, improve, support. . umm, just about everything, right?
But if we get this right then everybody who wants it can get a job offer that blows Valve away, and we’ll all be first in line.
(Also, probably not the best category, but also not the worst, there doesn’t seem to be a good forum category for this)