AOC bashes Biden-bashing Democratic colleagues in midnight livestream rant: "It's bullsh*t" (video)

I think AOC hit on something really important in the full video. The Dems who are willing to roll the dice on a completely new candidate (not Biden, not Harris), or even resign themselves to a second Trump presidency, are comfortably wealthy and probably White. They aren’t Mexican immigrants being deported, or Black people being abused and shot by police, or trans people getting beat up in bathrooms. Therefore, they feel they can afford to ride out whatever a second Trump presidency brings, and to hell with everybody else as they make power moves in order to rule in Hell.


I’m with AOC on this. Maybe she’s one of the few rational members of the DNC at this point. If Biden steps down now or the DNC dumps him, it’s game over, unfortunately—no, it’s a forfeit. That was clear as the day after that debate, our national media claimed he failed the entire debate because he lost his train of thought while navigating total malarkey. It’s too late to replace him. He’s already beat all the other opposition candidates in open primary elections. In this instance, how will this work, to hand over the candidacy to another candidate with a few months to go? Harris is it? This is absolute insanity. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a hero candidate arriving to save this thing, but it’s highly unlikely.


my take is that it’s because centrist dems believe they can compromise with a ■■■■■ administration to further some of their shared economic goals

meanwhile, the progressives want social and economic justice. they know the last four years has brought some, while a ■■■■■ administration will send us back decades

( also, i think the centrists don’t really care who’s president as long as they personally have (some) power. while the progressive care less about their own power, and more about achieving specific goals )

both groups are pragmatists of a sort. it’s just that the centrists are delusional.


but how will peter thiel, elon musk, and the other silicon valley billionaires survive if you cancel their free speech like that? /s


i learned today that vance was an early investor in rumble, invested with ramaswamy in a silicon valley venture capital firm, and is a partner at truth social

it made me think back to when ■■■■■ made his nft trading cards. it was as laughable as his sneaker line

but it also distanced him from anyone who might want to regulate crypto. which surely makes him seem more attractive to the bros. along with the white supremacy, pouring millions into ■■■■■’s pockets is an investment


Personally I would stick with Biden, but the important thing is that a decision needs to be taken quickly so the Democrat omelette can focus its energy and firepower on telling how Trump is a decrepit 70yo felon, and so on.

The key to beating Trump isn’t the “perfect” candidate, it’s to hammer again and again and again what an utterly shit candidate Trump is, how his first term dragged everyone down except billionaires and how things are worse even now because of Republican lies and bad faith.


I think AOC gives the most likely explanation for the contrast between centrist and progressive Democrats’ responses to Biden these past few weeks: the wealthy donors who bankroll the centrists are now pressuring them.
I’m pretty sure that every new public declaration by a Democrat that Biden should leave the race is the direct result of urgent phone calls from those donors.


Yep, and having listened to her entire talk, I think she also gives the best explanation of why, practically speaking, somehow dumping Biden this late is incredibly risky.

Basically, whoever would get picked would very likely lose. Not only is Biden the Dems’ best shot, given his familiarity, his incumbency, and the clearly stable job he’s been doing-- it’s also just way too late to replace him.


AOC speaks for me.


I would literally follow her into battle. One of my few (political) regrets in life is that I used to live in her district in NYC, but I moved out of NYC long before I would have had the chance to vote for her.


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