AOC backs Biden

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Or maybe she genuinely thinks Biden is the best nominee :person_shrugging:


Et tu, Rob?

The only people taking calls for Biden to step down seriously are the prissy little gossips in the media-industrial complex.

They need to stop huffing their own farts and start doing real journalism, for a change.


high quality GIF

How much of this is actually corporate media hand-wringing and ignoring the fascist in the room? It seems like the few Democrats who came out weren’t particular high profile democrats (nationally). Could be that they were looking for a signal boost so they engaged the controversy?


Et tu, Rob?

This has been infuriating. The media wants to claim Biden’s scalp for what I deem to be suspicious reasons (who owns the Washington Post? What does the mainstream media want?) and all the media watchers and people immersed in the media ecosystem is falling for it. Even Talking Points Memo has been pretty bad on this. Slate is unreadable.

Biden looked tired in one debate and that’s the main story while the other guy did nothing but energetically lie his ass off and he gets off scot free? Infuriating. Glad that folks like AOC and the Congressional Black Caucus feel the same way.

EDIT: I owe a bunch of people Coke…


[beware! someone to accuse of being a ‘concern tröll’ ahead] i don’t have the political savvy to declare on the Biden go or stay issue; but i have gone slack-jawed over the self-demolishing progressive social media warfare (viz DailyKos which has turned itself into a toxic minefield since ‘the debate’). We’re ‘all’ progressives, we love our country, trump will destroy it unless defeated; let’s not scare anti-trump votes away by accusing people of being evil media dups or bots. Let’s wait, see how it settles (because you or me have no real say in that), try to ignore the horrendous polls, and vote with gusto for the Democrat and tell everyone we can to do the same. …good luck to us all


WTAF? I’m sorry, but that’s a grotesque downplaying of it. He didn’t “look tired” - he looked and acted completely out of it. He appeared to be exactly the gibbering, extremely senile, decrepit old man that the Republicans have been painting him as. Anyone who watched that debate, who actually needed convincing of anything, would have come away supporting Trump. It was a disaster. Everyone on Biden’s team who allowed that debate to go ahead should be fired. Watching the debate, I almost threw up.

There’s a debate to be had about whether Biden can actually win at this point, or if we’d be better off with someone else as a Democratic candidate, but ignoring what actually happened at the presidential debate doesn’t help.


And he is STILL not a fascist. :woman_shrugging:


We had Regan as president in just as poor condition as Biden is being painted, and now he is virtually a saint to some.
The thing about Biden is- he might not live all the way to 2028, but if he does he will leave the office. Trump, once his butt is back in that chair, will leave in only in a coffin.
And hey-having Harris finish out his term would be one in the eye for the assholes.
Isn’t it just a wee bit suspicious how quickly and virulently this idea has been promoted? Way too many progressives and leftists are way too ready pull out their excuse cards for not voting because the candidate isn’t a rainbow farting unicorn.
Edited for typos


Biden is fine.

Interesting who is so desperate to get rid of him, isn’t it? Pundits, mostly. People whose professional prospects immediately improve with more Trump, whatever their beliefs or worries about things worsening for them in other ways, later.


Both candidates are old. One is a fascist.

Seems to me the choice is refreshingly easy.

Drumpf is only 4 years younger than Biden and in terrible shape. Stop with the “Biden Is Old” BS. It’s echoing bad faith conservative arguments. No matter who runs agains Drumpf, MAGAts will find an argument for why they are unsuitable: Too old. Too young. Too dark. Too many X chromosomes.

Repeating their talking points is doing their work for them, and, quite frankly, appeasing fascists.


Pittsburgh You Get It GIF by Mike Hitt

The Office Yes GIF


It’s not Biden that I am worried about.

Rich White male politicians always end up “okay.”


Can someone unpack this for me?

Is Harris the Temple of Dagon here? Or is she Samson, chained to a pillar?

I’m honestly not following.


Sure, but neither is any other potential Democratic candidate, so the only real question here is: “who is most likely to beat Trump?” Nothing else is relevant.


it seems like maybe some corporate backers are also pushing them into it. i think many business execs don’t like biden’s tax plans, but they dislike ■■■■■’s inflation and tariff plans even more. ( seeing as ■■■■■ will absolutely crater the economy. )

if they had a third choice, they’d take it. and, suddenly, they see an opportunity.


I know who is least likely to beat Trump, and that’s whoever comes out on top after a four week long free for all that will inevitably result from Biden dropping out. I think Rob’s Samson comment is meant to indicate he thinks Biden would sabotage Harris on his way out, but that would be completely unnecessary. The rest of the Democratic Party will do it unprompted. Nothing in the Democratic Party’s history suggests that they will all happily and quickly unite behind Harris if Biden drops out, or any other candidate. It will be a fight, and it will get ugly. And whoever wins will have injuries and scars. And all of that helps Trump. If Biden was going to drop out, the time to do that was a year ago. I don’t care what Jon Stewart or anyone else says. It’s too late for that. Biden has the best shot.


And the other factor is, with few exceptions, incumbents win. Incumbents overseeing a strong economy always win. Only when there is a catastrophe or major ratfucking does an incumbent president lose.


Either way we only have two viable choices for president , and one is objectively much much worse (Trump). So Biden, Harris, Bernie or whoever, as long as they’re not a dictator wanna be, that’s who I am voting for.