Originally published at: Appearances of home computers in movies and TV shows | Boing Boing
This really seems like an artifact from the very early Internet. In 2023 it’s like a site cataloging the various brands of toasters that show up in movies or TV.
Also just that it’s a “website dedicated to…” We’re already past the era of “twitter feed dedicated to…” not to mention the predecessor “blog dedicated to…” “Website dedicated to…” seems to be from a distant mythical past your grandpa (me) would grumble about “back when people actually BUILT things.”
Wasn’t there an Atari 2600 in E.T. ? I know the game sucked, but my swiss cheese memory seems to recall one in the kid’s bedroom… or the alien playing on one.
A website dedicated to websites dedicated to things
I don’t think it’s any worse than websites dedicated to cars in movies, or guns in movies or watches in movies. Anyway, it keeps me out of trouble!
Our Generation’s Basement Futzing Retirement Project.
I really hope this list is just preliminary… it doesn’t seem possible the Amstrad has only had four appearances.
Always appreciate tip offs if you find any more!
Some uses are a bit suspect.
found here
Strangely, the site doesn’t list one of the most visible computers in television, Jerry’s Macintosh SE in Seinfeld.
(The site does include tho that he also had a Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, but fails to list his PowerBook Duo.)
I’ve noticed that too, which is weird. Presumably they don’t get any product placement money when they do that. I guess the filmmakers just liked the look of the computer. But why not have the look of the computer, and get money from Apple for doing it?
One of the things that I always liked about the Mac cameos in Seinfeld was that those two particular oddities were among them.
I figure Apple isn’t paying.
I assume identifiable brands are covered because it’s a requirement of production insurance
The NeXTcube has 3 appearances listed, two of which are in Steve Jobs biopics, which tells you everything you need to know about the success of that product.
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