Apple may stop making Vision Pro already

I bought one (well the company I own bought me one for legit business purposes). I use it from time to time, it is defiantly better if you are trying to visualize higher dimensionality data having one more output dimension helps. If I’m on travel somewhere it is immensely easier to pack something the size of a football then a large computer display. Those are the legit business uses, and if I didn’t own the company I would likely be disappointed that I spent so much on so little.

I have also made productive use of it while doing laser cutting projects, it is much easier to see “through” then any laser googles and since you aren’t seeing the real world directly the laser won’t hurt your eyes. If I’m unlucky the laser might wreck the cameras in a $3500 device though. Also the laser cutter is in the basement far from my large display and I frequently need to tweak designs so being able to have a large virtual display to do that work on is handy.

The entretainment aspects of the Vision Pro are pretty good. There are a literal handful of “immersive” features, like fewer than a dozen. Things like rhino documentary’s so doc style CG dinosaur video things, both are pretty jaw dropping. The high lining and hot air balloon ones are also stunning, and manage to make me feel like I’m really high up and might fall if I do the wrong thing, so I’m not entirely sure they are enjoyable but they are a very interesting experience. Again there are maybe 12 of these total, and none are more then about 15 minutes long. These are a really big deal though, as in I can see people willingly pay $3500 for this device if they could have “enough” of this kind of content. As it is you can watch it all in a day and there ins’t more coming every month or anything. Well maybe the rate of one a month is more or less accurate.

I have also watched a bunch of 3D movies, and it is better than any other 3D movie experience I’ve had. Bright, crisp details and such. However there are not a ton of 3D movies, and some are not great movies (3D MCU quantum mania looks better, but it is the same movie, so…), and the 3D on some of them isn’t great (like it is obvious that it was filmed in 2D and someone manually fitted the 2D image data onto some 3D dolls and called it a day). If you like 3D movies though this is pretty great. For me this is mostly “watch the Pixar stuff all over again because it is even cooler” and not much more than that.

Putting a bunch of what amounts to iPad apps in 3-space around a room is kind of cute, but gets old fast.

It also has what are called “environments” which are basically 3D wallpaper for your virtual desktop/room. You can turn whoever you are into a nice lake or beach or a hawiian mountaintop or a handful of places. They look exceptionally realistic. Windows reflect off of water. Small details move. When you head moves all the details work out right. Like I thought “meet trick” when I heard about it, but actually doing it…it is kind of like having access to a teleporter. If it were easier to do work in the thing I would use it just so I could work on a beach.

Watching regular 2D video content but on a very large screen is nice. Watching it on a huge screen over the lake is very nice. After about an hour later I remember I have two pounds of stuff strapped to my head though.

The downside is I’m watching this huge video (or whatever) alone. My wife can’t join me on the beach. Even if I had another $3500 to spend and she wanted to strap 2 lbs of ungainly headset to her head she would get her own 100’ TV floating over her own lake in front of half dome or up in the mountains or wherever she picks.

Maybe if I were single I would use it more. Then again if I were single and used it more I would remain single, it is no way to meet people :wink:

I probably use it once a week or so.


Very much like my own experience with the Quest 3. Love watching movies on the giant screen in a virtual theater. Play a couple cool video games.

The day when Blender, ZBrush, and a couple good CAD programs run natively on the headset, it becomes a serious professional tool worth far more than the asking price. Until then, it’s a kinda fun toy.


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