Apple removes Parler from App Store, after Google — 'we’re toast,' says Parler

Hey, MAGAts! Add a little zing to your toast in 2021!


Burnt toast. Now we have a list of your fascist traitors, too! Ho ho ho…


This is the sort of great news I needed today.


No. It also disrupts the path to easy radicalisation on social media that the fascists have been using. When moving to the next step isn’t as simple as installing an app from the app store the majority of fascism-curious casual FB and Twitter users are going to drop out of the chain.

A minority of users (20% at most) will go to the extra effort of jumping through the technical hoops to get to whatever “moderation-free” underground forums pop up, but most won’t. Parler’s management knew this, which is why they were saying they were doomed even before AWS cut them off.

I’m not sure if any judgment lies behind this statement. For my part, I have no real concern with the institutions of civil society (including private corporations) declaring that fascists have no place in a liberal democracy. If the institutions of the Weimar Republic had treated Nazis as pariahs and thugs instead of as “just another political party” history might have turned out very differently.


In public interfaces from government to retail to crisis hotlines I’ve used the same tactic to deal with people who break into racist slurs (or similar). “I’m sorry, that language is unacceptable and if it continues I’ll have to (end this call/ask you to leave/whatever).”

Elected politicians deserve the same treatment from their peers.

People talk about debate, but you should never debate anything that isn’t up for debate.


Nothing’s wrong with dividing people if your goal is a revolution; in fact, it really helps. Revolutions tend to be bloody, and I guarantee you you personally will suffer if the revolution does happen. My grandparents lost everything after the Russian Revolution in 1917 and had to flee the country. Those that stayed had fun times in labor camps.

For a failure of a “mostly peaceful” revolution see current events in Belarus.

(1) when it is impossible for the ruling classes to maintain their rule without any change…
(2) when the suffering and want of the oppressed classes have grown more acute than usual;
(3) when, as a consequence of the above causes, there is a considerable increase in the activity of the masses, who uncomplainingly allow themselves to be robbed in “peace time”, but, in turbulent times, are drawn both by all the circumstances of the crisis and by the “upper classes” themselves into independent historical action.

Yes. This is why most of us are interested in stopping a right wing coup, because many of us would likely be jailed or even killed.

That does not mean we should NOT hold people accountable for doing exactly what you say you are against, just because they failed. You don’t stop people picking up from this failed coup from trying again by ignoring it. You stop it by cracking down on the people that tried to carry it out in the first place and by going after their means of organization.


So the reason they aren’t going with something like this ( is that there isn’t any way to make money off of it?

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Do you really think Apple and Google are trying to promote a violent revolution by banning unmoderated nests of fascists like Parler? Please.

No-one here, including those who post the admonitory guillotine images that make some clutch their pearls in “concern”, wants a violent revolution of any sort. We also don’t want to see right-wing coup attempts fomented in part in cesspools like Parler that were enabled far too long by Apple and Google.

But allowing fascists to run rampant in a liberal democracy (especially under the misguided notion that they’re defending capitalism from the socialists but also in the name of promoting “unity”) never ends up with people fleeing the country or ending up in labour camps, amirite?


Many Ontario residents today can claim UEL (United Empire Loyalist) ancestors.


Which means they were Tsarists? Was that really a defendable position, even then?


No, they just did not support the bolsheviks loud enough.


No, especially since the Russian Empire ran its own system of remote labour camps and was infamous long before Lenin as the “prison of nations” from which many had to flee, leaving everything behind.

The Soviet Empire was awful, of course, but in both its revolutionary origins and its practises once in power it had its roots in the horrible Tsarist system. White Russians and monarchists in years past and conservatives and Libertarians in the present like to ignore that inconvenient truth, but that doesn’t change its validity.


It’s funny how most of the folks who complain loudest about the tyranny of socialist or communist governments were members or beneficiaries of monarchist or fascist ones.


Proposed Parler Moderation Ruleset:

  1. every message must include at least oen typo
  2. messagers referring to outsiders must include at least one recognisable instance of othering
  3. all moderation decisions ar final
  4. all moderation decisions can be overulled
  5. (feel free to add)

Meanwhile the Facebook app, which literally facilitated a genocide in Myanmar, and was central to the New Zealand mosque shooter’s rampage, is perfectly acceptable, because Tim’s good friends with Zuck.

Don’t get me wrong, the Y’all Qaeda Insurrection was pretty bad – storming the Capitol, desecrating the hallowed halls of corporatocracy … erm… I mean democracy, half a dozen folks got killed etc. – but the targeting of an entire ethnic minority resulting in the death of over 24,000 innocent men, women, and children, and an untold number of rapes, beatings, and tortures, seems more in line with “violence and illegal activity”…


I made a meme!


To the Oscar Meyer advert theme:

♫ Oh, I’d love to be a violent revolution
♫ That is what I’d really love to be-ee-ee
♫ 'Cause if I was a violent revolution
♫ There would soon be nothing left…


oh boy :roll_eyes:

  1. better to stop the revolution early then by imposing some consequences on those who are seeking to revolt.
  2. who’s to say i’m not already suffering? i mean have you even met my family? been to the holiday dinners? i mean at this point dinners are actually killing people.
  3. my emotional distress is nothing to the real and present dangers that non-white, non-cis, non-hetro people already face.

it reduces to my point above. we have to unify based on shared interests, not simply shared skin color. when you look at the goals of the republican party, especially conservative christians ( like my own family )… there’s no good outcome.

First they came for the Communists, And I did not speak out; Then they came for the Socialists; Then they came for the trade unionists; Then they came for the Jews; Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

and that’s exactly why we shouldn’t shut up now

i heard an interview with a “moderate” republican today. he said, approximately: "remember after the civil war when lincoln forgave the confederate soldiers? we should follow his example "

has the whole world forgotten than lincoln was assassinated, that the confederates drove out and killed black politicians, and then enacted segregation!?

talk about an example that proves the point. don’t give bigots power.


Here’s one.


There is this.