Apple removes Parler from App Store, after Google — 'we’re toast,' says Parler

It’s not your job, personally, to fix all this

We’re all having crazy shitty times right now (many of us)

My landlady/housemate just started a new medication and she’s stopped sleeping—it’s like she’s turned into a tweeker with the predictably accompanying manic behavior and paranoia—and I have literally nowhere else to go, on top of everything else fucked up that I’ve done or had done to me over the last year, plus the world going to hell, OMG just make it stop :confounded:


There was an old fantasy novel called Centaur Isle, but quite a few people consider the author to be a bit of a perv.

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For the record, Telegram is just another instant messaging platform. I use it, and have for years now. It’s actually the platform that a substantial portion of the furry community uses, because of their extremely user-friendly sticker support (it’s why I have all these reaction images of myself, they’re all from my Telegram sticker set). They periodically get infested with shitheads, but every messaging platform has the same problem, including other popular ones like Discord.


this is actually a pretty fun idea. they could setup a whole nazi branded phone system. volksmobil maybe? ( or i guess “folkscell” since that whole foreign thing is bad. ) get a little trump mumble every morning. get updates when he uses the bathroom, flubs a golf shot, and other important business.

[ and by “fun” i mean a terrifying idea i could see actually happening. ]

yeah. if can’t be bothered to vet their own press releases, the likelihood of them getting their service back online is vanishingly low.

(edit to add:)

ahhh! gotcha. it’s a secret message from q. where all mistakes are planned, and all plans are mistakes. :wink:

8 Likes works as a replacement for facebook. Telegram works as a replacement for twitter. The US won’t be able to ban those without going full China on them.

The only thing this removal does is it educates people how to avoid censorship. Russians learned how to avoid Putin’s censorship of Telegram, surely Americans will figure that out as well.

Ah, actually I’m wrong, there’s another thing it does. It divides people even further. But that might be the goal anyway.

You mean “spill chicken”


i’ve got to know though what is wrong with dividing people?

judgment, pattern analysis, and division is a key part of human intelligence. and i’m all for noticing, and calling people out or in when they’re behaving badly.

the problem comes when people are divided not by behavior and interests but by what are basically cosmetic in-born traits like gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

the systems of power in america use in-born traits to divide us, giving white men the most privilege. that’s the division we need to fix. and that seems to require by definition excluding the people who want to fight against repairing that division.

they’re welcome to join the cause of course. but they have to make that step to change.


I’m okay with “dividing us” from a platform that refuses to police violent content and plots to overthrow the United States government.

I think Parler’s data bases should be seized and preserved as part of the investigation into the Trump insurrection because of exigent circumstances in the possibility that the incriminating data will be purged.


Probably. Dividing the neo-nazis from the people they are trying to coordinate with, from the people they are trying to recruit, and from the people they have made up their mind to kill are all worthwhile goals.


Do we need to repost Popper’s Paradox, yet again?


Helps to talk about it. I’ve been doing weekly friday night zoom happy hours with some friends.


Yes because I went back to the twitter rabbit hole and all the GOPers (especially the ones who fanned the flames the worst) are suddenly pumping out a “we need unity now and it’s Biden’s fault that we don’t have it” message.


Fuck that noise; they’re gonna own this garbage fire that they helped create.


i’m going to say this poorly, but – reaching towards something i was trying to say in another thread…

in times past, after big civil rights shifts, the country decided it needed to unify again. what’s happened in every. single. case. is white liberals unified with white conservatives to avoid further conflict. ( ex. tough on crime, broken windows, healthcare through employers, schools funded through property taxes, nimby pollution, “lost cause” revisionism, and on. )

the democratic party just proved it can win – even in “red” states – by unifying on shared interests rather than on along (perceived) color lines.

that’s the only unity that’s needed.

what’s necessary now is to act on those shared interests, and keep the coalition going. excuse my language but fuck the division of power based on skin color for the sake of white unity. enough is enough.


That sounds good. Divide the far-right to far, far away from the people who they want to and have repeatedly attempted to subjugate and murder. Unity is impossible until that happens.


They didn’t learn much in school. Why do you think learning things DIY will stick?

Insurrectionists did that themselves. They can rejoin civil society with sufficient remorse and reparations or go fuck off.


For the record, I don’t think you did. :slight_smile: I think what you spelled out has been the central failing of America to progress, how it went from defeating the Confederacy 150 years ago to having their flag in the capitol this week.


Hold it. Let’s put the paranoia to one side for a moment, and pretend that AWS means what it says.

“Recently, we’ve seen a steady increase in this violent content on your website, all of which violates our terms," the email reads. "It’s clear that Parler does not have an effective process to comply with the AWS terms of service.”

AWS provided this screenshot

This is a call for assassinations. It’s not “unPC.” It’s not “inappropriate.” It’s dangerous.
Now, on a moderated website, this could be reported as a threat of violence, and the post could be removed, the cops could be called, the user kickbanned, etc. But on Parler, because it’s a “free speech” site, the post stays up and maybe someone dies.

And even if Parler got uncomfortable at the thought of contributing to someone’s death, they don’t appear to have the infrastructure to even examine these outlier posts on a timely basis. AWS considers this a liability.


VK is a Russian online social media and social networking service based in Saint Petersburg



T-2 minutes.

Edit: still returning 200 OK at T+5min

Edit 2: and they’re down.