Apple TV+ announces Murderbot adaptation

Originally published at: Apple TV+ announces Murderbot adaptation | Boing Boing


Can’t wait!

That is all.


The Murderbot series of books is outstanding! Now I may have to re-subscribe to Apple TV+ just to see how well they do this.


Excited about the show. Disappointed in the casting of a conventional white male into a role I always envisioned as far more androgynous and they could have had real fun with that casting. I’ve heard he’s a good actor, though I’ve seen nothing he’s in, so I guess it’s mainly going to be up to writing and character design (and the rest of the castings).


That’s a good point. Murderbot is not a man. I wasn’t really thinking of the casting tbh as Murderbot should be wearing a helmet a fair amount of the time.

As an aside I hope they bring episodes of Sactuary Moon into it as a side plot/comedy aside/commentary on the main. Your man would be fine for that.


That was my immediate thinking too… He is not androgynous enough looking. Still looking forward to this.


I am both excited and afraid. The potential for white washing of the awesomely diverse characters in the books is very high. Skarsgård as Murderbot is a pretty good choice though. Cautiously optimistic I guess.


Yeah, I think a lot of us are as much excited for the main story line as we are seeing Sanctuary Moon brought to life in Murderbot’s feed. :grinning:


The Inception level for this idea is amazing. I’d absolutely watch a Sanctuary Moon spinoff though.


Same, they could have had a lot more fun with the casting. This just looks like they thought of Robocop and went with that. I’ll have to sub to Apple to see how well they pull this off.

I wonder if Ancillary Justice will ever get an adaptation. Now that would be a blast for casting. There’s only a few characters who have their gender confirmed so it’d open up a lot of possibilities.


I’d actually considered writing to her/Tor and suggesting a Patreon to get an artist to make some comics of it. I just think there’s scope to have some fun with it!


hmm. I’ve only read the books, and for some reason Murderbot is closer to a “strong female character” trope inside my head.


I really, really hope they do a good job with this.

So much of the story in the novellas is from Murderbot’s internal musings that I’m concerned that this aspect won’t translate well to the series. Murderbot’s one of my favorite book series and I’m hoping Martha Wells has input into the transition from book to screen.


Has anyone ‘acclaimed’ Invasion? It has some of the slowest moving plot development and worst written characters I have ever seen[1]. I honestly can’t see how it got the green light, let alone a second series.

[1] even worse than the Baldwin brats in For All Mankind.

I wonder who they are casting as the voice of “ART.” I guess they could show an actor’s face too if they decided to have an anthropomorphic Holly-from-Red-Dwarf style avatar for the ship but I rather hope they don’t.


World War Z never should’ve been a movie. It should’ve been an anthology TV series. I’m still waiting on some sort of Zombie anthology. Don’t need to follow the same survivors through 10 improbable seasons. I want consistent writers with lots of cameos from famous actors. Maybe a few characters or plot lines that show up multiple times (like in the actual story in the book). World war z was beyond dumb IMO.

Apple TV has done a fairly good job with Foundation (even though it strays from the original). Severance is still possibly the best show of the past few years IMO.


I don’t currently subscribe, though I will over Christmas, but for all mankind is one of my favourite shows and Slow Horses is fantastic and while I haven’t read the books everyone I know who has loves the show.


I’ve read all the Slow Horses novels and all the Murderbot diaries. If Apple does as good a job adapting Murderbot as was done with Slow Horses then I think we’ll be pleased. Slow Horses is terrific.

I agree with the other comments about casting. I was thinking the woman who played Brienne on Game of Thrones would be a good Murderbot.


I mean, I’m clueless cishet male and I gathered, loud and clear, that Murderbot is as enby androgynous as they come.