Are there fewer comments since the switch to Discourse?

So that’s what it is. Had me all confused! I even restarted my browser, and everything.

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I dunno about that, and feel like you might be underestimating the community a bit. Honestly, while I had an account pre-Discourse, I rarely commented except to provide occasional supporting links. Generally I didn’t feel like logging into BB or Disqus and would anon-like plenty of stuff.

Seems to be the case over at the AVClub too; stuff that clearly deserve it receive a strong number of likes from a mixture of both reg’d accts and anons. (I mention AVC specifically, as it seems like another place where happy mutants have congregated en masse, and–with top-notch mod-help, no doubt–managed to keep swept pretty clean of trollies.)


For the record, the numbers aren’t off much. Trivial comments are gone, substantial ones remain. The hurdle is greater but about 80% make or ovver, and it seems to be growing.

By trivial, I basically mean “just happened to be logged into disqus already”, with no or very few comments at BB. Those are the commenters who can’t be bothered to comment nowadays.


Ah. Thanks for the clarification. My own trivial comments have continued unchecked. ;^)

Damn it, here I am again.

The only thing I can compare my dislike/apparent addiction to bb to is to Motley Fool.

I hate the site, but they spam my news feed and I occasionally click it without looking. Then I curse myself–because I’ve given them another reason to keep doing what they’re doing.

I’m mad, and even more deeply mad because logging on here supports bb’s decisions. Beschizza–why would you give a middle finger to your readers, and moreso, why on earth would you think you’ll get away with it? Do the other editors agree with the, “bb is popular because our context-free links are the light of the world,” viewpoint?

[quote=“beschizza, post:23, topic:3903, full:true”]
Trivial comments are gone, substantial ones remain.[/quote]

Quite a lot of what drew me to BoingBoing was reading the comments below each article; I took the greatest pleasure in the one-off smart remarks that people would make, and firing off bon mots of my own. I would jump in where and when I felt like it; but now, in order to surf different topics’ comments, I have to cross-check a comment thread with the article on the original page, going back and forth until I understand what’s the (initial) topic of conversation.

I’m not asking for comments to be moved directly back to articles, but one thing I’d like to request for consideration is that a ‘Quick Comment’ box be placed directly below the article, where people can speak their mind before the top notes of the emotions generated from reading the article have yet to wear off.

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I lost my 1K ‘like’ collection. I don’t see Antinous as I used to. I miss certain things.


So I suppose I have no choice but to accept or go elsewhere…but am I a fan?


The Heart As Like is particularly unfortunate IMHO: but who cares what I think?

Do you really want comments to be based on quick heat-of-the-moment emotions rather than a considered reading of the article?

Put the box on, but don’t connect it to the BBS. That way, drive-by commenters can satiate their desire to say something, without actually cluttering up the discussion.

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Well, yeah. Put up enough banana articles, and the resulting repeated replies of “Just look at it,” will send BoingBoing well on its way to becoming a hivemind.

OK, seriously, though.
[1] There’s no evidence that having to click a button to go to a dedicated comments page will generate any more considered readings.
[2] One of the things that also shows up in the heat of the moment is wit. People come up with a funny remark and will post it if given a stage— immediately.

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