Are You A Patriot?

Well, he’s got a choice of two. And hopefully my countrypeople won’t be stupid and leave the EU, so he’ll be a citizen of that, too.

Personally, I like being able to freely live in lots of countries.

I live in the US, and for my own legal advantage, I should probably sort out citizenship, but I’d feel like a fraud - I certainly don’t feel American, and I’d fail the Norman Tebbit cricket test miserably.

Edit: I should probably add that although I feel British/English, and that will always define me to an extent, and I miss my friends and family, I don’t particularly have any desire to live there again.

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But why do you imply this is a bad or incorrect set of reasoning?

I fully understand you are looking for a more fair, just, and equitable human existence. But what are your actual Hypothesis and testable conditions?

Till then I personally am a patriot cause it is 60% correct and 40% batshit insane. The moment we have a system of government that is 70/30, count me in.

(No really, lets do experiments. Land in eastern Oregon is cheap and largely unincorporated.)

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One white guy to another, ‘heavy engagement’ is a already the ‘logical’ approach to personal uncertainty. Heavy Engagement is and remains the 100% white guy approved approach to the world.

Abandoning ones own preconcieved notions of ones own role in solving the problems of ones society (the problems which are of ones own definition) is a matter of defeating personal narcissism and accepting some help in defining the problem, it’s not some noble and inevitable victory over cultural hegemony.

Devils advocacy is a really great skill. There are enough young white male lawyers on his side already, no? So shhhhhh. Liiiiisten. Shhhhh.

I’m inclined to let nationalists have the ‘patriot’ tag; they’ve soiled it pretty badly and it was never that clean to begin with IMO.

Rather, given how the term ‘citizen’ has been subject to fairly intense de-emphasis over the last few decades, using it these days is something of a statement, and encompassing the good aspects of patriotism is only a small stretch.

So, patriotism be damned. I’m a citizen. Of the world.


Citizenship in the world Merit Badge. One of the required merit badges to attain Eagle Scout. Along with the Citizenship in the Nation and the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badges

I think the required ones are pretty reasonable, and, in my experience, they covered a lot of material necessary to be a functional adult in the world that high school never covered.

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Yeah, I love the UK, its people, landscapes, and history, but I’m not proud of it. Bit like a drunk, horrible relative.


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