Are you okay?

It’s nice to be able to acknowledge that things are off, even without going into detail, so thank you.


I hope it helps a little. We can’t fix all our current struggles, but we can share with others and let each other know that we’re not alone.

Take care of yourself and yours, and vent here when you need to do so.


On the one hand, I am profoundly grateful not only that I have a job, and a job with extra job security in this situation. I am even MORE grateful that my job is essentially part of the solution-- I am not a civilian at this point, even if my role is pretty secondary, at least I am up in the front lines, carrying water to the people in actual combat. I can’t imagine what I would do if I were sidelined.

On the other hand, I am profoundly worried. I don’t think people in general, and leadership in particular, have really gotten it yet. We are only in the first half K of a full marathon, this is going to go on for a long long time. Lots of terrible things are absolutely for sure going to happen.

Also I am profoundly depressed about what is going to happen in third world countries like India or the US


Many of us, too. :pensive:


I’m so sorry to hear all this.
Get better.


I’m doing okay so far. Had a coronavirus scare, but that seems to have turned out to be a false alarm. Still, I’m staying at home, except for the rare shopping trip, and evening walks on the empty streets. I think the increasingly sunny and spring-like weather helps keeping people’s mood up; that, and things are so far under control in Finland.


I think, too, that there is a really big disjoint between people’s perceptions: those of use who are up front and center in this situation see a storm brewing on the horizon that will hit us. Folks who don’t have that vantage point think that staying inside until Easter will magically fix this and that things will go back to normal quickly. Don’t even get me started on how blase the administration has been about this whole thing. I don’t want widespread panic, but folks need to be a little more aware of what is happening both in their states and abroad and maybe, just maybe, be a little more scared.

It’s going to be a long road.


Company-wide work-from-home order has been extended through the end of April. I tend not to get out much anyway, but even I’m starting to get stir-crazy enough that I started rebuilding the city in Cities: Skylines last night just to give me something to do.


Welp, the virus has made its way to my door.

Mrs. F’s supervisor is in quarantine and is presumptively COVID-19 positive, though it’s impossible to be sure since tests are being rationed for health care professionals and the acutely ill.

We’ve been fighting a low grade bug here the last few days, and Mrs. F lost her senses of smell and taste on Friday night. I’m a lot less confident that we have seasonal colds after learning about her supervisor’s status. Spud is okay so far.

We’re going to need groceries soon, but I’m not sure if I’m putting people at risk by going to the store

Double-plus ungood.


Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this!


Thank you!. I hasten to add that I think we’re going to be fine, just not quite sure how to navigate the challenges of the next week responsibly.


I just learned that one of my friends – a former nurse, now hospital administrator – read my 21yo the riot act and basically said that if she kept coming over she would kill me. That explains why she’s been so good about maintaining distance these past few weeks!

I’m fine because most of my work is online or on the phone anyway, and I’m an introvert, but I will have to figure out what to do after a few more weeks, in terms of replenishing groceries. It doesn’t seem like it could be as bad as people are saying, and then I read through the news and realize that I really shouldn’t go out, period, until this is at least somewhat under control.


Can friends or neighbors pick up food for you and leave it outside your door?


If I were you, just to be on the responsible side, I’d try to get the groceries delivered. If you do decide to go out, wear a mask or even a scarf over your lower face please.
I hope you and the mrs are feeling 100% soon!


If your grocery store has curbside pickup or delivery, that might be a more prudent move than wandering the store. Instacart drivers are striking right now, though, so avoid that service if you can.


Ouch. I’m pulling for you. Take care of yourself. Try to get things delivered, if you can.


It took me a second to parse that – initially, I thought your friend threatened to kill you (hyperbolically) for not controlling your 21 yo. Then I realized that your friend told your 21 yo that your 21 yo would literally do so by bringing home the virus.

This is why I refuse to see my dad until there’s a vaccine or he’s been declared immune.


Sorry for being so confusing!


My gal and I were 3 cubicles apart at work, but are working from home now… so we’re even closer now while working; so, as for ourselves, we’re okay. I’m much more worried about relatives in the north-east. My Mom there (PA) has had pneumonia several times over the years, which gives you an indication of how weak her immune system is. My older brother is now doing all of our parents’ shopping and practicing rigorous self-sanitation whenever he enters their place. My first-time pregnant niece on Staten Island is married to a NYC fireman who showers at his station before leaving for home and showers again as soon as he enters their home there; he also does all of their shopping now. All of the above are okay so far, but per my niece the FDNY has been ordered to not respond to emergency calls as they usually did; only EMS personnel are to do that now in NYC; the logic there is crystal clear and unassailable.


Thx! The power of music. The stay-at-home allowed me to discover this super rock band from Canada, The Tragically Hip. They sound so good and uplifting, that I wonder if I should be embarrassed for never having heard of them before.