Are you okay?

Oh no! Can you get stuff delivered? Or as @chgoliz said?


Friends and family are a little thin on the ground and we donā€™t really know our neighbors, but there are multiple options for delivery service so we should be okay.

To everyone above ā€” thank you for the well wishes! Iā€™m glad Iā€™m part of such a supportive community.


Iā€™ll be honest about it and say that every day I have a minute or so in between meetings when I have a small cry at how fucked up the world is now and what is being left for our kids and next generations. But then I have to suck it up and keep working. This whole thing is tearing at my soul. Havenā€™t been posting a lot because I havenā€™t had many words or things to contribute that others arenā€™t already saying. Big hug for fellow boingers.


Iā€™m doing ok, and feel fortunate and quite privileged. Why?

*been socially isolated for years now, so stage three lockdown here in Australia is fairly normal for me
*live alone, no kids
*hours have been cut from the part-time job I fucking hate. I was just surviving financially on approx 54 hours/fortnight, so having hours cut isnā€™t ideal. But I work from home (3+ years now), still have a job, went part-time from casual last December, and depending on how badly the companyā€™s been affected, may be eligible for the Fed Govā€™s jobkeeper funding announced in the past coupla days
*Not in India or the USA (sorry, donā€™t mean to sound smug)
*turns out Iā€™m bit of an unintentional prepper, as I like to have one and preferably two of whatever item in store for the next time I need it and in case I canā€™t afford it. So I didnā€™t need to participate in panic-buying or hoarding
*have been able to do small kindnesses for my downstairs, older, long-term ill neighbour (baked her a banana cake and a pear tea-cake for another neighbour), gave them my mobile number and offered to help out any way I can if they need it
*my sister was travelling in the US, Mexico and Costa Rica, originally meant to return on March 28, when the shit started hitting the fan. She managed to return from Costa Rica about a week ago and is now in self-iso half the country away, in Brisbane
*Been looking after the same sisterā€™s dog for about a month now, and live in a first-floor apartment without a balcony, so itā€™s not ideal for the dog. But am getting out more than I have in years, as she needs to be walked and to go to the toilet
*went to (Australian) Kmart before stage three lockdown came into force last night, needing dog dental sticks and kangaroo tails (dried and chopped, a once a week treat for the dog). Returned with dental sticks, roo tails, insect repellent and six bras. Kmart is having a bra clearance!
*very glad to have gone to our city zoo for a great night of music, and to have taken time off work to attend my newest nephewā€™s first birthday party, not long before all this happened

I hope this doesnā€™t sound too smug or nastily self-satisfied. Iā€™m trying to be grateful for what I have, not angry or scared or fearful about what I donā€™t have and what the future holds. All the best to boingers xx


Oh, to the poster feeling depressed/slipping into depression: as someone with long-term severe depressive disorder, I recommend having a shower. Seriously. I know itā€™s hard to get out of bed. I know the thought of getting undressed and hauling your arse into the shower is overwhelming. But please give it a go. Take as long as you need. Sit down in the shower if you have to. Soap up as half-heartedly as you have to. Wash your hair if you can (this may be a step too far, because then you should probably condition, then you should dry and possibly style your hair. If itā€™s too much, please just skip it.)

Try to get some direct sunlight on your skin. Or face. Through a window is fine if thatā€™s the most you can manage. Nude up if you can be bothered (but please, not outside).

Small steps are enough. And itā€™s ok to not be ok.


That really sucks. Iā€™m in the opposite situation, where the only person Iā€™m really worried about is on the other side of the country from me, and I have no real control over what will happen over the next year. Itā€™s like watching a year long train wreck in slow motion (or maybe nothing happens.)

Sorry you have to worry about being a carrier, that is one thing that is mostly abstract for me (instead I can blame others for this if something bad happens)

Even still, I almost finally made it to a point where I had a chance to visit for a while, and I couldnā€™t quite make it in time. And I blame myself for being away for over a decade.

I have often thought about the situation you are in the past few weeks, and it sounds like it would be really difficult in terms of anxiety about culpability.


Shit. Iā€™m sorry for you. I can very much relate.

My unasked-for advise: If you can, ask someone else to do the shopping. If not, wear a bandana or a self-made mask.

And if you are strong enough, inform your contacts of the last week. Posted this elsewhere: solid and rigorous study from China suggests mean infectiosity onset is 2.5 days before symptoms start. Mean means that a week would be prudent to assume.


Thanks. I never turn down good advice.

I sent out an ā€œabundance of cautionā€ e-mail to my colleagues this morning. Fortunately, thereā€™s only 10 of them and I spend the majority of my time isolated in a lab.


This, 1000 times. I make myself get outside at least once a day even if itā€™s just 15 minutes or so. I find that it really helps my state of mind.


Took my US-centric brain a moment to wrap my head around that! So you live one floor up from the ground floor, right?


That lasted about 36 hours and heā€™s been fine since then, both self-reported and forehead-measured. So, whew.

This aspect of things has not improved quite as much. But, ya know, weā€™re working on it. I guess.


Iā€™ve been working much more hours lately, nothing to do with the virus.

Hopefully that will taper off soon.

But, spring is coming, and my secret fishing spots never have anyone around. So Iā€™ll have opportunity to go outside and unwind. (Presuming I get some time off)

Iā€™ll be OK.


I think Iā€™ve hit the wall. Itā€™s totally fucked because my life really hasnā€™t changed at all. My job is secure and has been remote since day one, I have food, etc etc etc but damn.

Iā€™m struggling to even engage in entertainment; everything feels blah.


Itā€™s gardening season! Best therapy in the world! Get out and play in the dirt, dig a hole, put some seeds in, commune with green things. Love love love springtime! Even in a plague, the garden is my safe place. In fairness, I am also an extreme introvert, so there is that.


I wish something on this graph would change, other than the numbers on the Y-axisā€¦
Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 3.38.04 PM



Iā€™ve been living with and looking after my 75 year old mother this last 18 months and trying to keep someone inside and sane when theyā€™re partially deaf and have mild dementia is awkward at the best of times.
She doesnā€™t really watch the news, or really follow it, and asks the same questions pretty much every day, like how come sheā€™s not allowed to go into the street or see friends when the garden is safe, because itā€™s all outside, right?
Today she decided, on watching some news, that it all looked horrid.
ā€œIf I end up ill, I donā€™t want to be all,ā€ *mimes gasping
ā€œSo just make sure itā€™s quick, will you?ā€

How do you reassure your mum that yes, youā€™ll make sure they die quickly?
Yeah. That.




