Arizona's Attorney General cited an 158-year-old anti-abortion law: older than Jim Crow and age of consent laws

Originally published at: Arizona's Attorney General cited an 158-year-old anti-abortion law: older than Jim Crow and age of consent laws | Boing Boing


These are the time’s reactionary politicians, and their supporters want to return.

Absolutely. Anyone who thinks that the fascists and Nat-Cs will stop at denying women their reproductive rights is fooling himself.


“All laws of the Territory of Arizona now in force, not repugnant to this Constitution, shall remain in force…”
Now in force… shall remain in force seems like a key part of that. They clearly haven’t been in force for 50 years, so it’s not like there’s a continuity of the law here… If they get away with this, expect all those other terrible territorial laws to suddenly pop back up, too. Loving v Virginia seems on shaky ground with this court, after all…


Putting a five-year cap on the sentencing would seem to indicate that even the 19th-Century zealots recognized abortion as a lesser offense than murder, which is how modern theocrats characterize it.


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