Robert sits back down with Randy Milholland to discuss Thomas Kinkade, the most financially successful American artist and con-man.
Mr. Fábio Trindade and his murals.
[Fábio Gomes Trindade (@fabiogomestrindade) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram]
[Grafiteiro goiano viraliza com vencedora do Oscar (]
[Tudo a Ver (01/07) – Pintura Árvore (]
Another casualty of extreme weather: A 20th-century treasure
When a storm disaster strikes America’s fourth-largest city, your mind goes immediately to the essentials: You worry about your house flooding, your roof leaking, your car being hit by a tree. You’re not concerned about one of the art world’s 20th-century treasures
Beryl’s most recent casualty is the much-beloved Rothko Chapel, a nondenominational space that houses 14 paintings by American abstract expressionist Mark Rothko. […] On Aug. 14, the chapel announced that it would remain closed indefinitely.
(Free link: WaPo still won’t onebox here)
Yes, art project.
Which reminds me, saw the »FEMME FATALE. Gaze – Power – Gender« exhibition at the Hamburger Kunsthalle last year. The still have a lot of it online:
Pre-Alien work of HR Giger on display at Swiss museum
Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur:
Which reminds me, have a less than a month to see this
I considered putting this in the SPACE topic, but really it belongs here:
amazing stuff
EDIT: more here:
So many prog rock covers
They are fabulous images.