Art Spiegelman's graphic novel Maus now banned in Tennessee schools

This says far more about the board than about the book. In my experience, every single mouse i have ever seen has been undressed. They are just sluts, I guess?


image + image = Apply Lather Rinse Repeat


Indeed, though in the book, they’re humans depicted as mouse like.

It’s a send up of Nazi dehumanization-- mice being chased by cats, who were defeated by dogs/Americans, etc.

Speigelman does some brilliant work with that extended metaphor in the book.




Maus is a fantastic book and probably the second comic to actually move me (When the Wind Blows was the first I can remember). It has been awhile, but I think 8th grade is completely appropriate for the book. Curse words? I can’t remember what they said, but with out a doubt your kids have and are using worse. I don’t remember nudity, but there was nothing salacious in the book at all. Again, I assure you your 8th grade has seen cartoon boobs.

Fantastically backwards. This book is not corrupting your youth.

I know Dolly Parton has a program that gives books to kids, she should make Maus available to anyone who wants one. :confused:


Be sure to read it yourself. It is fantastic.

There is a follow up Maus II, which IIRC, is Spiegelman coming to grips with his father being not a very good person, despite him going through a horrific experience. (That might be in the first book too, my brain is sort of merging the two together.) It still has flashbacks and details from the past, but also a story line where he is sort of analyzing his relationship with his father.

Well, this is a great reason to pull the two off my shelf and read them both to refresh my memory.


As I wrote above, not reading both would mean missing A LOT.

I think of vol. 2 as the second half, not a mere follow up.


Lot with his daughters in varying state of undress has been a popular motive for paintings.


The fear we have is that those who wish us to forget the past, may wish to repeat it.


normalise nudity

Found the nevernude.


the 73-year-old author said, adding he thought the school board was “Orwellian” for approving the ban.

“There’s only one kind of people who would vote to ban Maus, whatever they are calling themselves these days.”

Yeah, what Neil said - there’s a name for the censorship that’s suddenly going on in schools across America, and it ain’t “Orwellian.”

The censorship that’s part of the organized movement sweeping Republican areas seems pretty clear about its goals - removing references civil rights, to the existence of racism, to texts that have anti-fascist positions… They’re literally checking books out of public libraries in order to have mass book burnings.

As a metaphor for Trumpism, made in the early days, it’s somewhat modified by the subsequent revelations, as people felt they could speak more freely, that it was the racism that motivated everyone all along.


I want to apply pressure where it’s most needed, which is why it would be helpful to know if I should be contacting the school board in question or the Tennessee state government; yes, both are involved with this, but one is more susceptible to pressure than the other.


May this lead to increased Maus sales.


I’d go with the state government. The local school board, like many others in the country, has been taken over by sado-populists and will just trash your note. The Tennessee state government is supposed to establish some broad standards for schooling throughout the state. No guarantees, since the Party of Demonstrable Bad Faith holds the governor’s mansion, but there’s probably a better chance youur contact will get consideration.


We are going down that path. The government keeps delaying a potential ban on conversion therapy, in case they offend religious fundamentalists and TERs. I still have psychological problems from the gaslighting I got when I was unknowingly getting conversion therapy 25 years ago.

I worry if I will get out of this country alive. Five years ago I would have just got on the Eurostar and never come back, but now? I am long term disabled so I can’t just get a job and leave.


Just in time for Holocaust Memorial Day.


That’s what they consider as being graphic nudity???

I’ve seen significantly more graphic nudity than that in a 4th grade art class and during a field trip to the Albright Knox art museum with full on boobies and dude junk on paintings and statues.

Look, this book is very important to show the degrees of how inhuman man can be to each other. My grandmother was adopted into an armenian jewish and french jewish family and her cousin was in armenian concentration camp. Luckily she was a baby when she was in there and spared from remembering much of the horrors, but the trauma and the tattoo she has on her arm are still there.


Yes, it’s part of that CRT that may hurt the feelings of nazis.


I suspect future meetings will address
why Donald has no pants.


Oh my GAWD!!

Brady Bunch Facepalm GIF