Originally published at: Artist envisions Elon Musk's self-described "demon mode" | Boing Boing
Musk has named this child, “Tau Techno Mechanicus”? I wonder if he is ready for a visit from the Games Workshop Copyright Lawyers? Just what 40k needs is a high profile Nazi attaching themselves to the community.
Games Workshop is owned by a company called TGD, which stands for Total Global Domination.
I think through hardcore suing to protect their oft-stolen ideas…
Lawyer Wars: In the dark future, there are only billable hours.
does he look straight into the mirror and say
It’s morbin’ time!
“Demon mode” also known as being an abuser. People beed to stop indulging this infant.
Correction, Elon Musk’s eleventh child, his third with Grimes.
Demon Mode? Oh, you mean Dickhead Mode.
Elon Musk terrible twos baby tantrum
45 and Musk are prime examples of what happens when rich White people raise their kids like they are Veruca Salt, and then those kids get old.
Come on giant squirrel attacks!
We can only hope for a similar outcome
Oh, I do.
Isn’t the Warhammer 40k franchise all about technology worshipping fascists and their god-emperor?
Yes, but as many of these things, it is presented as a parody or warning. Not as a model…
Meh. It’s all backstory retconned to explain the knights, orcs, elves and undead miniatures in the tabletop with space opera weapons.
If Musk does think he’s the God-Emperor, he’s going to have 21 progeny, and then let the chaos gods scatter them.
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