As Japan's trumpian leader prepares for war, Japanese people march for peace

Or rather what the US want, considering the same push was supported by Obama, GWBush and Bill Clinton, and would have likely been supported by Hillary Clinton as well. The reason is simple: money. The realities of US debt are such that defending multiple countries “for free” looks more and more economically difficult with each year. US diplomacy has focused for almost 20 years on trying to get allies to share more of the burden; but to increase military spending, allied governments need political cover, and the only one currently available is peacekeeping on foreign soil. You cannot do that effectively if your Constitution explicitly forbids part of it, so here we are.

The same happened in Germany during the Balkan intervention, btw - constitutional blocks had to be removed so that panzers could again roam over Europe, saving the US a very expensive deployment. It’s a constant refrain at any NATO meeting: “when will you spend what you promised to spend? When will you help on this and that? Because we’re a bit squeezed here.” (for the record, the argument would look better if only the US had not wantonly burnt bazillions of dollars toppling Saddam and occupying Iraq - but hey, that goes for pretty much any argument in US foreign policy since 2003).

I would criticize Abē for being as hopeless about the economy as his predecessors, for all his shenanigans, but I honestly don’t see any real “Trump connection” here. Bar adopting a policy of universal and unilateral disarmament, US and Japanese interests simply align very closely at this point in time (and over China, they also very much align with Russian interests).

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Well, Japan is traditionally allied with the alt-right.

Do you read Japanese? If not I’m unclear why you brought it up at all.

Trump has only commented on US allies “paying their share”. Japan already pays for most of the costs of US forces stationed here.

Lets be honest, the problem of NATO members under-spending and spending in inappropriate areas far predates Iraq war 1.

If the article had stopped with just opinion, that would be one thing. These vets are now anti-war activists? Great! Japan thoroughly protects freedom of speech so they are completely within their rights to participate in these events.

The rest of the article went far off track when the author tried to mix “fact” with opinion. Not just at the level of a tourist who doesnt understand context but deeper in trying to make claims about Japanese law and political matters as fact when in actuality lots of fiction was presented.

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Absolutely, and I said as such; but after the US overstretched their forces occupying Iraq, it’s become item #1 at every single NATO summit (only temporarily shadowed by Crimea in the immediate aftermath). Someone will have to pay to rearm a resurgent Iron Curtain (although who knows, maybe Trump will just sell Eastern Europe to his mate Vlad), and someone will have to pay to keep the South China Sea open for business. If governments willing to chip in, have to tweak their constitutions in order to help Uncle Sam, I don’t think any POTUS will complain.

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