Ashley Madison data dump confirmed

@waetherman @onshi you guys are making me think I owe whoever owns an apology.


Looks like Josh Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting had 2 accounts.

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Dangit, Iā€™ve checked all my email addresses and burners and I got nothinā€™. Typical. Sure I sleepwalk to grab a Popsicle, but nothing exciting.

God Iā€™m boring. Will someone hack so we know I have a touch of coolness? (Donā€™t go there)

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And none@ofyour.bizā€¦


Totes legit.

I need to be cut off

Now this is just getting recursive.


Just pissed 'cause he couldnā€™t get laid thereā€¦


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So thatā€™s why I never got any replā€¦ um, yeah, youā€™re probably right.

Gawkerā€™s trumpeting that theyā€™ve found what appears to be Josh Duggarā€™s account on there (and have unearthed a tangentially linked okcupid one too).

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Saw that, can confirm their findings.

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Youā€™re welcome.

Youā€™ve used a toilet selfie of the basketball player Anthony Macri because you couldnā€™t find a single photo of any one of the three different lawyers (in three different countries, no less) with the same name?
Or was it because the lawsuit resulting in using a photo of the basketball player will be a lot cheaper than using a photo of the wrong lawyer?

bb used the picture the PR rep Macri has on his AM profileā€¦

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LMAO. You seem pretty sure this guy:

Is this guy:

So forgive me if we pass on your sterling legal advice.

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