Originally published at: Astonishing rock face found on Mars | Boing Boing
Ah, Pareidolia. I see what you did there. Good one.
I see a horsie.
Korg has really let himself go.
Can’t tell if photoshopped.
“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings.
Look on my works ye mighty and despair”
Look at that…Musk hasn’t even made it there as the conquering hero yet and the antifa mob is already pulling down all the monuments erected to him.
As with the first “face on Mars” a big part of the illusion depends on our brains’ tendency to fill in the part cast in shadow as a mirror-image of the part we can see. Silly brains!
It’s a tribute to Chuck Norris, because that’s definitely a fist where the chin should be.
If Hollywood movies have taught me anything, it’s that there are lots of faces on Mars, sometime more than one on the same person.
Rocky McRockface.
am I the only one that sees lady parts?
Yes. Why would you share that with us?
Did you have to tell us?
Seems like you should talk to someone about that.
Not here.