Australia is only a horrifying natural death trap so it can balance out the adorableness of the quokka

Larry Niven predicted flash mobs as a consequence of instant teleportation: as soon as something interesting hits the news, a small percentage of everyone would go have a look, quickly overwhelming the place.

Rather than speeding up transportation, we sped up the news, so now we get slow flash mobs destroying places.


They do have stackable poop, which puts them one level above most rodential pets.

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When its humans domesticating each other the same way we domesticate other nonprimate mammels, there’s a shorter word for it. Slavery is what that’s called.

are carrots native to tasmania?

Not the ones I grow.


Wild carrots are a standard Indigenous food, but that does not necessarily mean that they were here before 1788. And, even if they were, it does not necessarily mean that they evolved in Australia; both human and natural sources of biological exchange were in operation across the Torres Strait long before the British showed up.

“Indigenous flora” is a somewhat vague concept once you dig into it. In practice, it often means “a plant that was naturalised some time before we started paying attention to that sort of thing”.


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