Ayn Rand, penis-curser

That article listed off a bunch of businessmen I’ve never heard of and right-wing politicians who pander to anti-intellectuals. And Greenspan. I’m not seeing that as reason to read her. Her fiction’s basically ham-fisted Jack Chick tracts for her simple-minded views. Any fictional work in which a character delivers a seventy page monologue is very thinly veiled propaganda, and terrible fiction.

I read more of her “philosophical” writing (mostly for entertainment). Her attempts as serious philosophical writing made her look like a talented fiction writer in comparison. I was never able to finish a book, despite them being so bad they were generally pretty funny. I’d usually either hit a tautology presented as a deep insight (A=A) that was spun into all sorts of magical thinking, or hit a passage where she stepped way over the line as a racist/terrible person such as calling Japanese people savages in mud holes (in Philosophy, Who Needs It) and would go do something else.


Well, in fairness, it was a good book in my memory. It’s been… ugh… 28 years since I read it, so I’m sure I’ve forgotten all the wooden characters and dull bits and just recall the Frank Lloyd Wright stand-in designing classy buildings.


Wait until you read some biographies about what a shit FLW was to his family, employers, clients, etc. He really was the right choice to embody Rand’s “philosophy”.


Oh trust me, I have. FLW was not a nice man by any means; it’s easy to see why he embodied the “virtue of selfishness” that Rand admired so much.

My favorite apocryphal FLW story was when I toured Fallingwater; the tour guide pointed out the low doorways and told us that Wright specifically ignored his client’s request for doors that’d accommodate his 6-foot-plus height and made all of the doors about 5’10". When the client complained and asked why, Wright said “They’re perfect for me. I’m 5 foot 9 and nobody needs to be taller than that.”


I wonder what Ayn though about Stalin’s daughter (Svetlana Alliluyeva) being married to Frank Lloyd Wright’s protege and becoming close friends with Frank Lloyd Wright’s widow.


When branding goes wrong

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What I also remember is Rand’s puerile philosophizing. Even then, I had some dim sense that adults who bought into it weren’t thinking very deeply about how any society actually works.


I definitely remember having a conversation with my English teacher (a big Rand fan) that went something like this:
Me: So Howard Roarke lives for himself, and the only thing that matters is his uncorrupted artistic statement.
Her: Correct.
Me: And Toohey is an altruist who makes buildings that are popular and fill a public need, but aren’t very original.
Her: Correct.
Me: And… Toohey’s the bad guy?
Her: Oh, most definitely.
Me: Huh.


On the other hand, if your attempts to belong somewhere keep failing, it becomes easier and easier with every year to tell the society to go screw itself.


That makes sense.

If you’re speaking personally, then that surprises me. You certainly fit in here, for instance.


Yeah, @milliefink is right… this group of happy mutants don’t always agree, but we certainly all fit in here… probably because we mostly value our differences and respect them.


To be fair to Peart, he grew up too.

Q: You were interested in the writings of Ayn Rand decades ago. Do her words still speak to you?
A: Oh, no. That was 40 years ago.

Peart was, what, 23 when he wrote 2112? I had NFI about anything when I was 23 either, but fortunately nothing I wrote then ended up in millions of teenage bedrooms.


Be proud, I say, of your Rand-cursed cock.


If you want an enjoyable sex life, it’s probably best to avoid taking any lover whose core guiding principle is the pursuit of self-interest.


Inasmuch as I don’t really want to imagine it at all, I imagine that havin’ thangs with Ayn Rand would be something along the lines of:

You imbecile! You’re doing it wrong!

Now you’ve got it! A-a-a-nd… HUP! Two… three… four…*

(* Thanks to an old Life in Hell comic for that last bit)


Worst. Sex cult. Ever.


“What’s that you say, ‘safe word’? Next you’ll be asking for ‘safe spaces’!”


It’s nice to see Rush fans coming out and owning it. We all know it can be a lonely watch at times.

(Just playing, in case that’s not obvious.) (Mostly. I mean, have you heard this band? Cmere, let me play this for you, you gotta hear this…)

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