Baby with contagious giggle can't stop laughing at dad blowing dandelion flowers

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Have there been many studies into how pre-lingual children experience humor? It’s such a great phenomenon. :slight_smile: But leads to such interesting questions about how thought in general must work for pre-lingual humans. Obviously a lot of thought is occurring before language takes hold. What form does it take? It obviously involves significant pattern recognition, and the notion of novel occurrences that are out of the norm, but not threatening, and thus are entertaining to the degree it triggers and involuntary reaction. Crazy shit, you humans are so weird. :slight_smile:


My son, at about 8 months old, found the word “bubbles” hilarious for about 30 minutes (similar to the kid in the video). It may have been the best moment of his life to that point, and maybe still mine.


Younger parents, capture that stuff on video. It seems corny sometimes, but you’ll want that later! My biggest regret was not catching the first time my daughter had ice cream. She was no doubt – by parent book standards – too young for it, at 10 or 11 months, but despite all our efforts to get her to do some baby signs, she refused. Anyway, she was toodling around the coffee table and I gave her ice cream for the first time. My goodness, you’d never seen a kid sign “MORE!” as much as that one. MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!

I also blew it with the first time she had pop rocks, also at a likely age inappropriate 2. Still great memories!


not threatening to the human - whose first cackle at the destruction of the natural by the devastating force of human cheek is met with the approval of the flange leader’s reinforcing bwahaha.

May be overthinking this.


I got the distinct impression that the little guy was laughing at the sound his dad made by blowing rather than the dandelion itself.


My argument for constant life recording are moments like that. I wish we had captured two of our fondest memories of our eldest. They were early moments of her use of language with definite and deliberate purpose.

One was shortly after our pediatrician asked us about language acquisition and use. Moments after an immunization, with steady hands and a teary face she signed, “all done” and then “hurt”. She burst into tears when we echoed her, her little arms at half mast, hands waving all the time, “all done”.

Another was while my spouse and I were talking. She signed for milk, and we told her one moment. We continued to talk, and she asked again. We acknowledged her, but she was always hungry for milk, and we needed to make some important decision. Slowly and deliberately she said, “mee elk, meeeelk” while signing for milk. We stopped talking and along with or adulation, we fed her. Within weeks the sign for “milk” disappeared, being replaced by the ever improving pronunciation of “milk”. She has relearned it, and she uses it with her sister, who hasn’t grabbed onto language as quickly, though she is now starting to pick and use words.


Signing is amazing. I wish I was taught it as a very young child. All I got is castillano spanish I learned in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. And by now at best I sound like some kind of baby that knows too much.


The best, for me, was when my boy giggled in his sleep. We will never know why.


Introducing Pavlov’s kid.

Brb, getting pop rocks for my 2 year old.

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Video or it didn’t happen!

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