Bacon grease conundrum solved: quick and easy cleanup with aluminum foil

Agreed. Just a wee bit well mixed in with a pound of kibble makes for damn cheap dog treats! (And gift dog treats to other dog owners- everybody wins)

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The bacon and other animal fat gets broken down in the compost by the Greater Vancouver waste management program. The methane gas produced is used for various municipal vehicles instead of and as a supplement to, natural gas.


I cook with it, but still built up extra, so I just save it in the freezer until winter.

Then let it soften a bit, roll it in bird seed and hang it out in one of those cage style feeders for the birds.


If one is doing backyard composting, it’s not recommended. You need a municipal level system for it to work, and not all of them want it either.

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Compare using 100 sheets of aluminum foil with one wide mouth glass jar. Nah.

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Doesn’t anyone here use it to make wilted spinach salad with cheese and bacon bits?


Does no one use an old tin can until it’s full(ish) for dealing with grease any more?

My family has been doing that for generations. No one has managed to fill up a coffee can yet.

We cook a package at a time occasionally over the fire pit and then freeze it (the bacon) for later use. No grease but a nice smelling fire.

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Not at home, but we have a composting service that takes it. I guess it’s ok when you scale up.

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I will use this. Open cans and saturated fat drippings are both quite rare in my kitchen, so the likelihood of them both being around at the same time is low.

But there is usually semi dirty aluminum foil lining the air fryer that can be used for this purpose with a few folds.

how do you avoid the glass shattering with the heat. wait a bit, i imagine, till it cools down?

bacon was the last meat i gave up. i still love it, but i don’t cook it. :crying_cat_face:

( are fish meat? or is meat only mammals? i can never keep these things straight. )

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We use a Pyrex prep bowl, and dispose with the organic waste when it cools.

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Yeah you just wait a little bit until it’s not hot but still liquid and you never have to worry about it shattering. Just enjoy breakfast and circle back to the pan and it will be cooled by then

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When done, scrape off all the delicious caramelized salty goodness from the baking paper sheets and add to your bacon sammich for extra tastiness.

Hey, it’s a lot less unpleasant than bear fat… :nauseated_face:

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