Bad idea: driver won't sign $80 citation, drives away from cop

Verbally blowing up at in a stream of only occasionally understandable complaints, both germane and tangential, on the one hand and “grovel[ing] like a peasant” are not the only two options. I suspect most citizens of most countries consider it wise to be at least moderately polite to the armed enforcers of the law.


$80 ticket for something you failed to do…


-High level misdemeanor for resisting arrest

  • Felony assault on an officer
  • Ambulance call for maybe $950
  • Engaging a lawyer for $5,000 (to start)
  • Court costs
  • $80 ticket

The look on the judge’s face when she says its because she’s a country gal = priceless.


Here in Finland, it makes national news if the police fire a gun in the field, let alone if they injure or kill someone. And yet, I wouldn’t think of acting like her towards the police. It’s just plain stupid, and a good way of getting fined when, if you had acted polite, you might have been let off with a warning.


I like how complying with a police officer’s lawful order is “OMG oppression, you guise!” GTFOOH with that Libertarian bullshit. “I pay your salary, with my taxes, which are theft!”

This lady thought the law didn’t apply to her. She was wrong. And if she had not been white, this encounter would have gone differently right from the off.


I suspect that if she had not been white, she would not have been given a warning in the first place… and then given 6 months to comply.


Just to clarify, the actions i’m describing and which @jab was referring to were the even worse:

But your/our point clearly still stands.


People keep getting a small side point wrong.

She didn’t get a warning six months ago, she just told the cop it was busted for six months.

She says, “You don’t even give a warning for this?” Then because she had admitted she knew about it for six months, the officer says he’s not going to give a warning. That would have been a first warning, but she talked her way out of getting it.

It doesn’t mean this woman didn’t rabbit from a cop for the stupidest reason imaginable.


Either way, she still drove off and then resisted arrest. She clearly believes she’s above the law here.


Totally agree.


I had been given a citation for a busted headlight. Not a warning but a citation. And my headlight wasn’t busted for six months either. It was slightly dimmed. No big deal, I just replaced it the next morning and successfully fought the ticket in court. I was pissed that they gave me a citation for that instead of saying “your headlight’s dimming, fix it tomorrow”, but I still got out of there without committing any felonies.


But you should have just stood up to the cop! I mean, he only had a gun and taser! Would bad thing could possibly happen! /s



While I feel the whole cop thing is fash It would NEVER have occurred to me to argue and drive away. I know I’m likely need to sign the damn thing and argue it out in court if I didn’t want to “Pay” the fine. It was part of the deal when I got my drivers license and was allowed to move about a dangerous many ton object around other people.

This woman was dripping with built up levels of privilege that she felt she could get away with it scott free by just saying no. Yes, she was roughed up but it wasn’t a predictable outcome if she wasn’t high on some weird idea she was above the law.

A black person would likely have been shot for lesser attitude. I’m a white guy and can’t imagine trying to pull the shit she tried to pull no matter how “good” I think I am.


She talked her way into completely avoidable trouble, and drove her way into worse trouble, all because she approached time with an officer of the law with an amazing sense of privilege about what she thought she was due. No question about it.

But the video starts with them arguing over her position that she deserved a first warning, and nobody in that video says anything about her having any meeting with the police six months ago.

Lots of commenters were adding a non-existent meeting/citation, when her actions in the video were more than enough on their own.


Right? it’s actual an entire different conversation. And on top of that, no one was celebrating the woman getting arrested and tased, merely pointing out the white privilege involved in her decision making…


Which really is my whole entire point here! Can’t hurt to highlight it once again!

After admitting she’d had this problem for a while already, and had done nothing to address it. If she’d said, “oh, that just happened and I planned to fix it this week” I doubt the cop would have written her a citation.


I agree!

She talked her way into it. In a way that other people belonging to other social group definitely would have avoided, in fear of clearly uneven consequence.

Even the fact of her admitting to the officer it was broken for a long time, was also something other people wouldn’t have done, but she did it because she felt there was no potential consequence to admitting it.


And once again, this is the core point we need to address here.


So, when told that white privilege is not a thing, I think the ultimate answer is, “do you, as a white person, ever even consider that being pulled over by a cop may end with you being shot?” If the answer is “well, no of course not!” then yes, white privilege is a thing. This woman demonstrates that fact in spades. Disobeying a legitimate order from an officer, assaulting said officer, and the officer keeping his cool absolutely positively demonstrates white privilege. QED.



This ain’t rocket surgery people.


Good to see that the old myth that “if you don’t sign the ticket, it doesn’t count” persists.

Newsflash: all you’re doing when you sign a ticket is acknowledging that you received it. You’re not admitting guilt - you can have your day in court if you want to challenge it. It’s not some magic immunity from charges.


I have a suspicion tnat the Sovreign Citizen idiots would have some explaination as to how that just ain’t so. On the other hand, idiots, so…