Bad idea: driver won't sign $80 citation, drives away from cop

  1. That’s a unique USian viewpoint. There are countries where you don’t have to grovel like a peasant while interacting with police in order to avoid being shot or assaulted.

This is a white American point of view. Most people of color in the US, especially right now, would never, ever play with their lives like this.




Yep, yep, pretty much. Truth!


i was replied to a comment with this video in it:

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The cops who act like this are much less internet famous, but they’re out there.


If that’s what it takes, I mean… that’s what it takes, right?
A grateful nation thanks you for your service. Also, aim for the center mass.


Ok. Misunderstood your post. Will edit my comment. First point still stands.


I’m white and male and I know I get privileged treatment and I wouldn’t dare pull what she pulled. I know I probably would have a good chance not getting dead by the encounter but I knew I would be in a world of legal hurt if I tried. The idea that you believe yourself to be a “Good country girl” and think you can argue and refuse your way out of a ticket is kinda stunning levels of privilege here.


Nah, Uniq the white privilege is how people such as yourself will skip from “given no warning to correct it” to “being ripped out of her truck, thrown to the ground tased, handcuffed, arnd arrested for a possible felony” while ignoring the 'given no warning due to having 6 months to fix the issue, then resisting arrest, resisting a lawful order, evading, operating a motorvehicle to evade, assault and attempted batter of a police officer in the line of duty" parts. If she had been black she would have been shot before being given at least a dozen opporutinites to acede to the officer’s lawful demands.


Yes, breaking the law is a fine thing to do when you’re not harming anyone. Maybe her behavior wasn’t wise, but it was totally understandable and ethically sound. The cop, on the other hand, was unnecessarily violent and protected nobody. He could have done literally nothing and everything would’ve worked out just fine for him, her, and society at large. Instead someone gets tazed, jailed, and an ambulance has to spend time on this instead of helping someone else. This is stupid unnecessary violence and we should be angry that cops do this, not arguing for how reasonable they’re being.

This is the bizarro part, where the recognition of the systemic murder of black people by the police somehow transforms into a resentment toward anyone who isn’t a black person being murdered by the police. As though it’s only possible to recognize one kind of oppression at a time. As though as long as a cop isn’t murdering black people, he’s doing just fine. Black people are obviously constantly being violently oppressed by the police. Additionally, this woman was violently oppressed by the police.

I feel that this contradiction may cut to the heart of the matter. You also believe you are above the law, in that you get to decide which laws are fair. But you’re right to feel this way! It is not white entitlement to think that you know better than the police - it’s common sense. The way to end racism is not to ensure that everyone is equally subjugated by the so-called “criminal justice system”. The criminal justice system is fundamentally white supremacist, and arguing for obedience to it is defending the racist order. The police are the enemy and we should celebrate rebellion against them - even when it involves white people who, as you point out, are relatively less at risk when rebelling.


LMGTFY : No, signing a traffic ticket does not mean you are admitting guilt of any traffic violation. When you sign a ticket or a citation you are just agreeing to pay the ticket or appear in court, if you decide to dispute it. If you refuse to sign the ticket , an officer can arrest you on the spot…

She refused to sign the ticket; he told her she was under arrest. He didn’t attempt to bash out her window, shoot at her, etc. Hell he didn’t even call for a bunch of back officers. That is fucking white privilege up the yin yang


The white supremacy (or privilege, if you prefer) is that the officer pointed his service weapon at the suspect, then holstered it even though she had not yet complied. He later drew his taser, not his pistol. He does not beat her with a baton while shouting “Stop resisting!” even though she was, in fact, resisting.

The officer presumes her to be harmless because she is white.


Hmmm, I’m not entirely sure how well traffic works in your (libertarian?) society where people’s tail lights don’t work (or, I suppose, there are no speed limits and stop lights aren’t enforced), but I’m kind of ok with those types of safety laws being enforced.

Personally, I think this officer escalated a situation and turned a bad situation into one much worse, so don’t misunderstand me. But I think this woman is a goddamn moron who thought the rules didn’t apply to her because of reasons. She wasn’t rebelling, she was being an asshole.


Could you elaborate? I’d really like to hear about your experience.


She had 6 months to comply with the law. She wasn’t ignorant of the law. If she wishes to change the law, she can lobby her representatives. That’s how this shit works right now. If you believe that her just driving off while not accepting the ticket isn’t also breaking the law, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Once again, she drove away in the middle of the encounter, and then resisted taking the ticket and getting out of the car when asked.

Perhaps she should have accepted the ticket and contested it in court.

First of all, you need to stop putting words in other people’s mouths. No one here said or even remotely implied that. We’re pointing out white privilege, where someone believes that they can get away with ignoring the police, precisely because they are white. No one is cheering that the woman got beaten and arrested, and until someone says those words (WHICH I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT) you need to stop assuming what we mean and twisting what we say to make us look like we’re glad she got tazed. Just stop.

If this lady had accepted the ticket and still gotten pulled from her truck and tazed, that would be one thing, but that’s not what happened.

LOL. No.


Stop doing this. I don’t believe I’m above the law. If I get pulled over, even if I think it’s unjust or unfair, I’m going to comply with the officer, mainly because he’s the guy with the monopoly on violence in that encounter. You better believe, if I believe it’s unfair, I will contest it in court. If I’m given a warning about a violation (whether I agree with it or not) and then given 6 months to fix the damn thing, then I’ll do it. If I think it’s unfair and I care that much, I will most certainly record the encounter with the officer myself, and then fight it in court or even take it to my elected officials.

We don’t live in an anarchist state. And not complying with agents of the state has actual consequences.




