Badass Dragon Scavengers of the Void - Round 4 - Ugly Duckling

“Nice work fetching those jump cores. Darn things are so expensive on the open market. With these on board, I bet our stockpiles might even last until we get home without the usual rationing that invariably happens near the end of a run. In fact, we’re getting near the bottom of the barrel on our allocation for the Swan job.”

“Company’s coming, and that complicates things. Long range scans are picking up the signature of an adult space eel, and it’s heading our way fast. I reckon it’s the momma eel and she’s not too happy with us. We’re going to have one last shot at the Swan and then we have to hightail it out of here.”

##Round 3 - Mission Options

Idle Fee: 25Ʉ
"The devil finds work for idle hands. That’s where the old scavenger motto ‘Never give juice to the devil’ comes from you know."

Mission 1 - Is This Eel Life?
"Now I ain’t no warship, but we have a handful of popguns to deter pirates. They won’t be enough to take out a full-grown space eel, but it might make her think twice. I’m going to need a few of you to stay on board, man the guns, and slow her down long enough to make one last run on the Swan. "

Mission Cost: no cost
Minimum Requirements: none
Risks: (25-SCI)% Chance the cannon jams while firing causing it to explode, 30-50 damage based on DEF.
Expected salvage: 60Ʉ incentive payment, GLO+1
SPECIAL: This mission affects all other missions based on total SEN assigned to it. All other missions have a (125 - total SEN)% chance of being devoured by a giant space eel as they return to the Coleridge

Mission 2 - Not My Vault
"Several unusual rooms connected to that science lab. In the back of the lab, you’ve found a small room with dozens of small vaults embedded in the walls. You’ll have a chance to try and open a few of them before needing to abandon the Swan, so get cracking."

Mission Cost: 10Ʉ
Minimum Requirements: none
Risks: 3x vaults: (60+SEN)% chance to open a vault safely; anti-theft devices cause: 2-20HP per failure
Expected salvage: Up to 3x chances at high-value salvage
SPECIAL: You may have a chance to be eaten by a giant space eel. See Mission 1 for details.

Mission 3 - Mysterious Portal
"Can’t help but wonder if they discovered something they weren’t expecting out here and it done did them in. Experimenting with farcaster technology? That stuff has been forbidden for ages and for good reason. Normally, I’d say stay away but the gear in there is too good to pass up. "

Mission Cost: 15Ʉ
Minimum Requirements: none
Risks: Gamma Rays, 35-60HP minus current DEF score (e.g. 15-40 for DEF20)
Expected salvage: 2x chance at high-value salvage, no chance of items
SPECIAL: You may have a chance to be eaten by a giant space eel. See Mission 1 for details.

Mission 4 - Black Lab
"Based on the questionable tech strewn around this secret lab, I’d wager the Swan was an illicit research vessel. And here I thought that portal was sketchy. Some interesting gear lying around, but you’ll have to contend with that self-replicating swarm of skinkbots inside. I can’t tell if it was supposed to be a security mechanism or experiment gone wild. Reckon it don’t matter much either way."

Mission Cost: 20Ʉ
Minimum Requirements: none
Risks: Autonomous drone swarm, 10-40HP based on EVA, DEF% chance to take half damage.
Expected salvage: 5x standard salvage opportunities, fair chance of items
SPECIAL: You may have a chance to be eaten by a giant space eel. See Mission 1 for details.

##Company Store##
“We’d exhausted most of our our mission allocation, so I had to kick the fabricators into overdrive to have enough gear available in time. Here’s hoping it’s enough.”

65Ʉ Disruptor ( POW+8 SEN-2 )
50Ʉ Rad_Shielding (DEF+8 EVA-2)
50Ʉ Sensor_Suite ( SCI+4 POW-1 )
40Ʉ Flywheel ( EVA+3 )
50Ʉ Targeting_Algorithm ( SEN+6 )
20Ʉ Repairs ( HP+25 )