Awesome! I’ll use my CyberScoop!
Youngling, you will appreciate a good soak when you are older.
A good soak now may prevent some aches and pains later, young lady.
Just. Disgusting
No thanks.
That helps a boo-boo.
Are the replicators all right? This one is a bit shiny.
##Round 7 - Mission posting
“Now I’m told a gaggle of you went up the bum of this space monster. Not my place to tell you how to live your life, but there you have it. Looks like the bumwagglers marked out a safe path through the guts of the thing. So you’ve that goin’ for ya. Let’s see what else there is to see.”
Idle Fee: 75Ʉ
"I’ve got the purse strings again, you ninnies. Check your juice, because Kassie won’t save you this time. If you can’t take a mission because you’re outta juice? You pay the idle fee. That’s the deal, straight from the main office."
Mission 1 - Narrow Corridor
"Right. Looks like this is the main pipe what runs through the center of this thing. Someone needs to see where it goes. Who’ll be the strapping young biological to check it out? You? Ah, that’s the spirit!"
Cost: 20Ʉ
Requirements: none
Salvage: Three opportunities: Fair chance of dangerous salvage, good chance of BLUE, small chance of GREEN, extremely small chance of RED
Risks: Peristaltic Contractions (25-50 damage based on POW)
Mission 2 - Twisty Maze of Passages
"This thing has some weird plumbing, that’s for sure. Might be some easy salvage, but don’t get disoriented. Hell of a coffin to die in, that’s for sure."
Cost: 30Ʉ
Requirements: none
SPECIAL: If a Guardian takes this mission, all players benefit from the SEN of that Guardian. Highest SEN is used for all players.
Salvage: Two opportunities: good chance of BLUE, small chance of GREEN, small chance of GOLD
Risks: Lost! (85-SEN)% chance of getting disoriented (-25Ʉ). For every Lost! result, scavenger must re-check at (85-SEN)% to escape. Every Lost! result carries an additional -25Ʉ penalty. Salvage isn’t sold until reaching the Coleridge, so you may want to leave a buffer to be safe.
Clarification: Each scavenger rolls their fate individually as they fan out through the maze of twisty passages. Some may make it out without a single Lost! result - some may never make it out…
Misison 3 - Open Expanse
"Looks like a big open space between two sheets of muscle. Or organs. Or something. Not too strenuous to explore, but keep an eye out for bedbugs. Ugly little scabbers."
Cost: 5Ʉ
Requirements: none
Salvage: One opportunity: 60-90 BLUE
Risks: Space Lice: 6x 2-7 damage, (POW+DEF)% chance to avoid.
Mission 4 - Unsettling Pocket
"See, that thing looks like some sort of bile duct. Or fifth stomach. Or incubation chamber. I’m just glad I’m not the one going in there, mate."
Cost: 20Ʉ
Requirements: none
SPECIAL: If a Scholar takes this mission, all players benefit from the SCI of that Scholar. Highest SCI is used for all players and will drastically reduce the chance of dangerous salvage.
Salvage: Three opportunities: high chance of dangerous salvage, good chance of BLUE, good chance of GREEN/GOLD, small chance of RED.
Risks: Caustic fumes (10-30 damage based on DEF)
Mission 5 - Short Cutters
"Shortest way to a man’s heart is through the ribcage. Recon brought back some smarts. Couple o’ punchers like you might be able to perform an emergency monsterectomy. You know what they say about that fine line between genius and madness, right?"
Cost: none
Requirements: Open to Diggers only
Salvage: 40-80 BLUE + 0-1 GOLD (SCI+POW)% + 0-1 GREEN (SCI+POW)%
Risks: Chunks (5-15 damage) and a (10+POW)% chance of really pissing it off.
##Company Store
"Right now, the repair bay is about as useful as a butter churn in a fist fight. Spittin’ out some weird things too. Bring back some of that fancy GOLD back and just maybe we can start mending those suits."
40Ʉ Hydraulics (POW+4 EVA-1)
70Ʉ Powered_Exoskeleton (POW+4 DEF+2)
50Ʉ HUD (SEN+6 POW-2)
75Ʉ Mass_Spectrometer (SCI+5 POW-1)
100Ʉ Albatross_Wing (DEF-2 EVA+10)
80Ʉ Cool_Decal (GLO+1)
@Kassandra SUBMIT
If anyone has a spare 31 juice I could bring my SCI up to 35 by purchasing a new Mass Spectrometer, which will somewhat significantly improve Mission 5 salvage (and apparently reduce chances of dangerous salvage for all).
"Okay, I’m back from R&D and here to tell you that the rather unorthodox salvage means a slew of new options are available to us, namely the USE order. Comes in two flavors:
- Consumes one GOLD salvage from inventory
- MaxHP+5 and HP+MAX for non-Wardens, MaxHP+15 and HP+MAX for Wardens``
"And this GREEN stuff is super weird as an organic enhancement to existing equipment, check this out:
- Consumes one GREEN salvage from inventory
- Transmogrifies from existing inventory
- is used to purchase BLUE from the hold at a 1:1 ratio
- 50Ʉ is the minimum juice value required for transmogrification
- Diminishing returns eventually kick in, but in general the more juice the more powerful the transmogrification
- Transmogrification improves existing stats on the item
- Transmogrification can add additional stats to the item based on the specialization of the player``
“See Round 5 for details on stats associated with the respective specializations. If you have questions, ask away. We’re still figuring it out on this end. This stuff is weird.”
“Nothing like binge watching all 22 seasons of Real Housebots of Cygnus 17. Still, I suppose it’s time to get back to work.”
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 2017-03-05 18:00:00 -0500
INCARNATION: 0x310735ca6d8ec96782805884406e651e4ace4e90
Embarrassed GM note: the USE order is still under development. I’ll have it rolled into Kassandra ASAP, but if she kvetches about your USE order not being correct in the meantime, ignore it. I’ll ensure those orders are accepted and processed with player intent.
This set of orders is on file!
I’ll provide the 31 U to you when I file my orders. However, don’t you mean mission 4?
Seems a shame not to take the mission I’m specialized for, even if it’s got a good chance of killing me.
@Kassandra SUBMIT
BUY Mass_Spectrometer
@dreamboatskanky, can I have that Sensor_Suite back?
> iotrap.daneel: 0x1d7e0ecb34bda7c8d125f9775ac402ca058f80cf
“Roger that, daneel! Your orders now on file for this round are:”
✔ buy mass_spectrometer
✔ mission 5
Mission 5 salvage is the only one affected by SCI - I would advise checking your Alternative Facts co-processor, it may be affected by your Spice® intake.