@daneel and @drman321, have the two of you made up yet? I only ask because we’ve got a damn long road ahead of us that we need to make it through. Together.
Now, I know some of us are going to have our differences. I know some of us are going to get into fights. And I know some of us are going to want to kill each other. That’s human nature, that’s just how it works.
But we need to put that aside right now. I’m not saying I’m perfect. Far from it. I’ve certainly done more than my fair share of awful things. Probably worse than any of you. In fact, strike that probably. Definitely worse than any of you. But when we had to pull long drills together in Cheyenne Mountain that lasted for days we had to find ways to make our differences work.
Maybe you guys don’t go out together on missions for a while. Maybe the two of you find a nice quiet piece of desert and have it out. Maybe you just shake hands over the body of a dead cyberdog and have a weird warm beer. But if we don’t literally pull together on this, none of us are going to get off this dead rock that not even the APCs are going to be able to survive on much longer.