Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

Well, if you put it that way… snicker Perhaps just try adding the words heavily armed next time. Seriously though, you folks try any funny business and I’m well within my rights to set your car on fire.

Now I’m sure you’re waiting to hear about that big, bad, monster truck. To tell you the truth, I thought it was just a tall tale those those rednecks cooked up while huffing stolen gasoline fumes. Turns out you really shouldn’t rev your engine outside of giant dark caves. Stuff like this might emerge:

Now this was a big mean one, earth rumbling engine roaring, belching exhaust like a chain-smoking dragon. They’re nimbler and faster than they look, even if the body roll on it makes it look like it’s a sugar-fueled kid on pogo stick. Sure, it’d crush me without even noticing if I got caught between the wheels-- but did you notice?

It’s all wheels and no guns!

That my fellow pizza munchers was the key. Keep your distance, fire a couple of rounds to keep its attention, and you can herd this easier than a raging bull with a red muleta. Well, not so easy I guess. Rounding up a mad angry Monster Truck does require a bit of finesse. Get too close and cocky and you’d be flatter than a souvenir penny, get back too far and it’d target the convoy.

Strangely enough the land around the Monster Truck cave was all loose dirt and smooth rolling ramps. Probably the local’s offerings to appease the beast. It sure didn’t mind the jumps!

We tangoed for a while, and there were a few more close calls than I’d like to admit, but there was this one perfect jump…

–just blue skies and weightlessness, and then a hard sharp hit of the ground making up for lost time. The Monster Truck? The thing was so heavy it’d got stuck in a patch of mucky grass, headlights first.

My Hilux? Not a scratch. Got lucky I guess.

I did a victory donut, before snatching this flag off the back.

Do Monster Trucks have license plates? I was too distracted by the hitchhikers that I picked up to tell. Might double back for them if they do.

@funruly @davide405 Junior, Clank, nice riding with you both! Seems like we came through with all our digits and wheels, and currently don’t double as a night light. Seems well worth the couple of dents and gallons of fuel those yokels siphoned off. A few too many still managed to hitch. I better train my dog Rusty to hold my steering wheel straighter while I pick off targets.

@drman321 Knife and others, join up with the caravan on time and we’ll try to keep the damage to a minimum ok?


Sorry to be late, Cougar. By the time I rolled up to Hollywood I could see the streets were full of the Dead and I didn’t want to risk it. Damn near finished every book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez while I was waiting for them to thin out enough. I’m here now, though. Probably put on a few tons since you saw me last.

character: Rideword, but “Word” is a fine handle in a pinch.
vehicle: 1979 VW Vanagon, modded so much I look like I swallowed a Panzer, puke green
class: Mule
favorite possessions: Razzle-dazzle high beams. Good for clearing the road of anything with eyes and half a brain.


Always happy to see another Mule roll in! Your Class figures heavily in this upcoming Round’s missions, which, due to one thing and another, will be posted in something under sixteen hours. Keep your hair on, everyone, and savor your survival while it lasts…


Incidentally, I decorated my car with a little souvenir from the surfers. Sadly, I drive better than I draw.


That fucking zom bit off my fucking fingers! I tried recovering them by rolling up the window on that fuckers neck, took some strength but I popped his head right off, sadly my fingers had already slipped down his throath.

I drove the rest of the way with this japping head in the passenger seat, ugh… He sure got exited when I used the sigarette lighter to burn my wounds closed, must be like the smell of barbeque to them, hurt like a sonofabitch to me.

Maybe one of the mechanics has some suitable parts laying around to make me some prostetics? Sure would be nice if I could switch fingers if my first digit is tired from all that trigger pulling…

I hung that sucker from the window for this photo-op:


@kingannoy Nervous, I got me some practice makin’ prostheses ~points to own legs~ but I never did make somethin’ so small as a finger. I’m game to give it a try though, soon as I get Junior’s and Channing’s and my own rides back in shape.

(( ooc: @JonasEggeater @penguinchris, is this even possible w/in the framework of our game mechanics? ))


I’m Stretch, and this is my mechanic shop. You took a beating, need to get fixed up, you can come to me. I ain’t a volunteer though; I do the job, and then I get paid. The going rate here is 4 LP for the general repair parts kit, which you need to have if you hope to get any repairs to regain HP. I look after my own, so you Mechanics can buy the repair kit for 75% off, 1 LP. But if I catch Mechanics reselling those discounted parts kits to Escorts, Mules or Scouts, I’ll will kill 'em. That’s undercutting my profits, and I ain’t gonna put up with it. My labor rate is 2 HP repaired for 1 LP paid. Iff’n you think that’s steep, you can shove it. My rate’s my rate, and if you don’t want to pay it, there’s plenty others who will.

Anyhow though, I don’t just do repairs. I can do upgrades, too. If you look out back of the shop, you can see I got a pretty big parts store. Probably looks like a junkyard to you all, but then again, you don’t look like Drivers to me. Anyhow, I know where every bit of everything is out back there, but it ain’t all for sale to you lot. There’s some things that I got a lot of though, so I could let the extras go, for the right price. Oh, by the way, it ain’t just car parts back there. I been collectin’ anything that maybe I could sell, so I’ll run you through what I got. There’s, let’s see… I guess there’s six or seven different things I could sell to whoever’s lookin’ to buy. Here’s what I got:

Chaingun: Self explanatory, I would think. Permanently adds +2 FP. Costs 3 LP.

Flamethrower: Flamethrower with only enough fuel for use through one round. Adds +3 FP for one round only. Costs 1 LP.

Window Bars: Metal bars which protect the windows from hits. Permanently adds +1 AR. Costs 1 LP.

Light Plating: Light armoring. Permanently adds +3 AR. Costs 2 LP.

Carbon Fiber Hood (or Bonnet, for those Brits): Lightens car (helps with acceleration), so permanently adds +3 SP. Costs 2 LP. Since Scouts are already lightened, they aren’t eligible for this upgrade.

Plumbing Upgrade: Strengthened, high-pressure plumbing for your SHITGO apparatus. permanently adds +2 TQ. Costs 1 LP.

Retreaded tires (set of 2): Adds +2 MV as long as both new tires are intact. Costs 5 LP. Once one tire is popped or stolen, all bonus goes away. Requires a trade-in of two tires currently in your possession in order to purchase. Mechanics are only required to trade in one tire in order to purchase. If, after purchase, the Mechanic has five tires, the extra may be privately sold or kept in inventory as a spare (requires 5 inventory spaces).

Poor-quality car parts, which lower EN, can be traded in (with a fee) for a higher-quality replacement. This will add +1 EN per 1 LP.

Well, what do you think? See anything you want?

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Okay, Drivers, listen up.

You’re a fun-loving bunch, if not a very pretty one, but I don’t see too many smiles out there. I think I know why. Most of you are old enough to remember a time when there was more to eat than pizza, when you didn’t have to spend your days shitting into your driver’s seat to get across town, when you didn’t have to perpetually keep an eye out for tentacles and teeth and hillbillies snatching your hooch.

There’s no putting a happy face on it, ladies and germs: this place fucking sucks. We’ve spent the last decade aimlessly driving around and robbing each other, just trying to stay alive and ahead of the zombies, simply because the alternative seemed to be nothing more than a messy, painful, and undignified death.

But here you still are. That means something. It means you haven’t given up hope, that you think there’s at least some small chance that tomorrow might be slightly better than yesterday. Well, I’m gonna bust that bubble right here and now. If you stay here, tomorrow’s gonna blow harder than yesterday, but not nearly as hard as next week. Earth is finished for us humans (and human-analogues), so we might as well hand it over to the roaches and GTFO.

That shiny uncircumcised eyesore over there is our ticket outta here. It’s a rocket, fully loaded and programmed to take fifty people and an entire biodome suite to Mars. Yes, Mars, that reddish star that ain’t a star up there. That rocket, that Ark of Humanity, was built by exceptionally rich and ingenious people who intended to abandon us all down here and start their own plutocracy on the Red Planet. But with all their fancy educations and sophistication, I think the phrase “hoist with his own petard” was alien to them. “Squashed by his own Helicarrier” may have entered their vocabularies too late, an instant after said Helicarrier literally entered their minds in a dismayingly violent fashion.

I mean to take that Ark to Mars, and I mean for all of you who want to come along to join me. Things will be strange and difficult and alien during the trip, and even stranger and harder on Mars… but the alternative is living out what few days we have left here.

Not for me. And not for my kid.

The rocket should be in as-new condition, but it’s stuck in an awkward position. The original launch pad is a mile or two away, but the launch tower itself was cannibalized and digested by these… well, we call them junkbots. The neutron bomb that went off over Huntington’s Bitch eliminated all biological lifeforms, but Stark had some strange stuff brewing in his skunkworks, government Defense Department contract stuff mostly, but he dealt with all manner of international players those last few years in order to help fund the Ark. The junkbots come in two sizes, the APCs and the Screamers. The APCs are small, about as big as your thumb. They digest biomatter as well as steel, and are named for what they look like: Armor-Plated Cockroaches. Don’t try and step on one; at that point it’s usually too late.

The Screamers are bigger, about dog-size, and they’ll do wicked damage to your ride if they get close enough.

Small-arms fire will usually take care of those, but the APCs need to be avoided; they’re fireproof and a serious bitch to hit with bullets. A full SHITGO dump will distract them enough for escape, of course, but you’d better hope somebody else with enough TorQue is nearby to haul your ass home… or the APCs will give you a gnaw you’ll never forget before you can get away.

The original launch tower was destroyed, and since that rocket’s only entrance is 300 feet up a frictionless surface, we need to get it to another launch tower. That contraption under the rocket is the Marion crawler-transporter, originally built to move the Saturn V rockets that first sent humans to the moon. It was the largest self-propelled land vehicle in the world when it was built, some sixty-odd years ago. Wayne bought it when NASA decommissioned the shuttle program in 2011. Stark’s people were upgrading it and trying to install an AI drive module, but the bomb came too soon and the electromagnetic pulse killed its drive mechanism, just like it killed all those new cars out there. The rocket is shielded against EMPs, and should be 100% spaceworthy… but we’re gonna need to drag it to a new launch tower.

That’s right: I said “drag.” Between us, we have more than enough SHITGO torque to pull the Marion and her payload wherever we want. And on my way south from Sacramento, I found our destination. There’s a never-used launch tower up at Edwards Air Force Base, out in the desert north of L.A. I propose we chain ourselves to the Marion, and haul the whole pile out to Edwards.

And then, we make a new life for ourselves as the Badass Dragons of Mars.

You with me? Okay. We’re gonna need a few things before we start.

Mission One: The Stark Skunkworks

The Ark is sitting about a hundred feet from where it was built. The design and testing offices, however, are a couple miles away at the Skunkworks, on the campus of the old Boeing plant in Seal Beach. In Stark’s executive office, in the top-left corner of his desk, should be the warranty card for the Ark’s OS. On that warranty card is a unique serial number. For our purposes you can think of it as the “launch codes” but really, Stark was nothing more than a scatterbrained playboy billionaire who could conceive and design any machine or computerized system anyone could imagine, but was forever losing his car keys in his own jacket pockets and spilling his Froot Loops down the front of his lapel. It’s just goddamned typical that the serial number on the warranty card for a totally off-the-shelf OS should be the decryption key for his spaceship to another planet. The smug, lazy prick.

This mission is best attempted with a Mule along for the ride. The main entrance to Stark Industries is at the corner of Saturn Way and Apollo Drive in Seal Beach. One could just head down Bolsa Chica Road from here, turn left on Westminster Blvd to Seal Beach, knock on the door, and prepare to take on all the automated antipersonnel turrets and flamethrower-wielding golfcarts therein, since it seems my Stark Industries ID badge must have expired. That would be the Hard Way.

But there’s another way: a crafty party could head over to the old launch pad itself.

It’s a sizable disc of concrete out in the middle of the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, just at the end of (I kid you not) Nasa Road. Somewhere on that concrete circle is a Hatch that opens big enough to admit even Junior’s fat mechanical ass. And there’s an access tunnel that leads to the bowels of the Skunkworks. A particularly burly Mule might be able to lift that hatch… the failsafes are locked and strong, but it’s not inconceivable a strong enough Mule can bust through. That tunnel should be lightly patrolled by turrets and golfcarts, much lighter than the main entrance at any rate. But Stark used to keep a pet down there. I never saw it, but I heard rumors. I have no idea if that pet is even still alive, since it’s been ten years, but y’know, times being what they are, I think we can safely assume it’ll come into play, if we go that way.

Your choice. Of course, if our Mules fail to open the hatch, we’re obliged to go the Hard Way anyway. Which may not even be the Hard Way, depending on what Stark’s li’l buddy is up to.

Oh, and remember the neutron bomb? Yeah, those pesky neutrons aren’t so good for us living, breathing folk. But we’ve found through exhaustive experimentation that a healthy coating of mozzarella cheese will keep you alive long enough to get in and out of the skunkworks. It also affords a +1 AR bonus for this Round, so hooray for that.

Mission 1a: Skunkworks Front Door
Infiltrate the Skunkworks through the front door and retrieve the warranty card.
Mission Costs: Gas. 1 gallon for Scouts, 2 for Escorts, 4 for Mules and Mechanics.

  • Thousands of APCs. Only high EN will prevent Infestation, which will reduce SHITGO efficiency, which if not resolved will drastically reduce TorQue and possibly cause other problems.
  • 50 Guard Bots. Can potentially deal up to 1 HP damage each, depending on AR. Between 25% and 50% chance (depending on LucK and ENgineering) of Guard Bots accidentally shooting each other and flame cart gas tanks.
  • 50 Flamethrower Carts. ARmor doesn’t stop flames. High EN seals the vehicle off from flame, and improves targeting speed - you’ll need to quickly hit 10 fuel tanks (a dice roll requiring high EN and LK) to stand a chance of destroying all carts.

Mission 1b: Skunkworks Back Door
Infiltrate the Skunkworks through the hatch, navigate the tunnel, and retrieve the warranty card.
Mission Costs: Gas. 1 gallon for Scouts, 2 for Escorts, 4 for Mules and Mechanics.

  • Mule must open hatch. TQ, LK, and EN determine if the hatch can be
    opened, and how quietly.
  • Thousands of APCs. Only high EN will prevent Infestation, which will reduce SHITGO efficiency, which if not resolved will drastically reduce Torque and possibly cause other problems.
  • About 30 screamers, divided among players. If you bring scrap steel (one upgrade’s worth), they can be distracted - but probably not completely. Faster and more maneuverable than anything, but fragile - high engineering and firepower will deal with them.
  • Two Google tunnel view cars (an abandoned project) that won’t be fooled by stealth (they watch everything you do), and will most likely awaken Stark’s rumored pet.
  • Rex, Stark’s pet. Tough to fight. Drivers take turns engaging, Driver who “defeats” him to choose whether to kill, free, or adopt Rex. Adopting Rex may afford benefit, will incur Sidekick penalty of -10SP for as long as you keep him. Killing Rex gives you one of his weapons, +FP unknown until you have it. Freeing him has no positive or negative consequences.

Mission Two: Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach

Right down the block from the front door of the skunkworks is the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach.

It doesn’t look like much, but it’s still the Naval Weapons Station. And if we’re gonna pull off this job of hauling over eighteen million pounds of payload through the middle of the most dangerous urban environment in the hemisphere, then Weapons are what we’re gonna need. It’s a Navy station, so it’ll be well-secured, but I have a cunning plan. If any of you can pass for friendly military (U.S. or Allied), then we might be able to sneak past some of the considerable security. High ENgineering will help a lot here. Get in, grab what you can, then get out. The success of the mission (and the quality of the spoils) will depend heavily on how little damage you incur within the base.

Mission Costs: Gas (1 gallon for Scouts, 2 for Escorts, 4 for Mules and Mechanics) plus a donation of -1AR to the Toys for Tots bin next to the entrance.

  • Engineering and Luck important to fool guardbots. Literacy (by at least one person) massively helpful but not necessarily required. If disguise fails, 3 initial guardbots per player at relatively small amount of damage guaranteed (based on armor). Then, depending on speed, maneuverability, and torque, 7-25 additional guardbots AND stray autonomous flamethrower golf carts (at reduced damage because you’re moving). Between 25% and 50% chance (depending on Luck and Engineering) of additional guardbots accidentally shooting themselves and the exposed flamethrower fuel tanks on some golf carts.
  • If disguise is successful, guardbots are tricked into shooting themselves and flame cart tanks.
  • Once inside, one stray Google/NSA self-driving security car automatically released per player that crosses a sensor at the entrance gate. Fairly weak, but will defeat Mechanics and weak vehicles. Escorts and stronger vehicles will defend weak vehicles while they scavenge.

Mission Three: The Marina

Down the block and around the bend from the Naval Weapons Station is the Alamitos Bay Marina.

In order to pull this chrome-plated monument to Stark’s phallic daydreams all the way up to the desert, we’re gonna need some really stout chains. Head to the marina and ransack the largest vessels you can find. The anchor chain for the USS Kitty Hawk would be overkill, but otherwise we need the heaviest chains you can find. There should be some good loot to plunder as well: gas cans, some armor plates, maybe even a supercharger from one of the speed boats. Take your pick, if the odds favor you finding something. But beware! There are some nasty bastards patrolling what’s left of the marina. You can usually hear them coming by their distinctive emphysemic coughs before you see them:

The amphibious harbor-squids are worse. The smokers stay in the water and use a ranged attack, but the harbor squids are, in fact, amphibious, and will try to climb in your car and take it for a drive, regarding you as merely road-trip junk food. Squash them before they board.

And most especially, watch out for The Ancient Mariner.

That’s him in the background. Remember how the old song went? “It is an ancient Mariner, and he stoppeth one of three.” Sounds like you have a 33% chance of being transfixed by his “long grey beard and glittering eye” for a time, giving the squids more time to chomp at you. 'Ware!

Mission Costs: Gas (1 gallon for Scouts, 2 for Escorts, 4 for Mules and Mechanics) plus a loss of -1EN due to the corrosive but sweet-smelling ocean air.

Risks: You discover that most Navy ship chains have already been salvaged and reused as a Harbor Squid barrier by Smokers who set up a camp in the civilian marina.

Four things to deal with: Harbor Squid infestation, Harbor Squid Queen, Smokers, Ancient Mariner.

  • Roll for stealth (based on EN and TQ) - steal the chains from the Smokers without them noticing, who are then promptly eaten by Harbor Squids. If that fails, fight 5 Smokers.
  • Fight 12 amphibious Harbor Squids, which can come on land and are quite deadly, but have trouble getting through thick armor and are slow on land.
  • Roll for summoning the Harbor Squid Queen, who can only be run away from. Her attack is squid larvae infestation; deadly to weak vehicles and a major clean-up for heavy-duty vehicles with lots of cargo/larvae space.
  • The Rime(s) of the Ancient Mariner. You must answer its three Rimes correctly, or you will be immobilized and weapons disabled while the Harbor Squid Queen comes over and infests your vehicle.

So that’s your work for tomorrow. Think about it while you repair, and negotiate alliances and teamwork arrangements among yourselves. This will take some work, so you have 36 hours (until 9:00 PM Thursday evening PST) to make your choices.

That’s all, Drivers. I need a slice and a beer…

(EDITS - minor typographical/formatting fixes, nothing informational changed)

EDIT #2, 2:58 PM PST Wed. - All missions pay +15LP upon completion. No penalty for sitting out the Round. This time.


Haha! eh?! Oh, bloody hell!

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Washington here, in my Bond Bug. Any of you other folks seen this plane crashed here on the beach?

Anyhow, Cougar tells me that you all are pretty bad off, right now. I guess Round 1 was hard-hitting. Anyhow, I’m keeping track of you guys in my logbook, and Cougar told me how bad your injuries are, so I’ve written it all down, and it’s all updated. By the way, those three of you who were unlucky enough to wake up the monster trucks last time (@gwwar, @Garg, @Sarcadian), looks like you got to pick up the front and back plates once you beat the piss out of 'em.

Some of you are hurt pretty bad right now; you probably ought to go see Stretch, the fellow who runs that mechanic shop and junkyard over there. He can patch you up good.

Well, not a lot more to say right now, but I thought I’d mention that there are four more Drivers now than there were for Round 1. Wizard (@thewizardofwas), Fink (@monsterzerozero), Bill the BUM (@webiii1976), and Rideword (@Solomon) were late arrivals, but they’re here now, so you’ll have their help for this next round. It looks like it’s going to be a tough one. You four newcomers, I wanted to let you all know that you’re all in my logbook now too. I’ve got all your stats writ down there, so anytime you want to know how you’re doing, just check there. To read my log, look here:


OOC: Yeah, we can figure out how to work something like that out.

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Hallo Stretch! One or two patch-ups needed I s’pose!

What can you do for me on the EN? I’ve got 17 LPs. Guess I need a pretty repair kit too!

Space, eh? Fantastic - Per ardua ad astra and all that - flyboys had it right the whole time!

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Wull, seein’ as how there’s so many of you probably wantin’ things from me… I guess I’ll go ahead and write up some sort of form, so as I can keep track of who’s who and who wants what. I’ll get something together, and let you all know how’s the way I want things done.


A Shackleton?

So I guess we have some kind of inventory somewhere - fuel, tyres etc? Do we have access to that?

Just because Stretch says mechanics can’t repair other cars, does that really mean they can’t? If so, doesn’t it kinda break the reason for working together?

Why don’t we just kill Stretch and take his stuff if he wants to be an arse?


Here’s the breakdown of available inventory space, by class:

Mules: 20
Escorts: 15

Individual space remaining is listed in the log. Inventories all start empty.

Stretch is just saying that Mechanics can’t buy the initial repair kit at the discount price, then resell it. Each player has to buy a repair kit if repairs are wanted. But, Mechanics can do the labor on other people’s vehicles, at whichever payment rate the two agree on. Since Stretch charges a pretty high price for labor, it would probably still be a good idea to befriend a mechanic.


Wash has the right of it. One benefit of Stretch’s expen$ive work is his ability to fix you up to your 100% maximum HP, if you have the LPs to get you there. Mechanics can only get you up to 75% of your max (currently, though that will change), but at whatever price you negotiate.

If Mechanics know what’s good for them, they’ll make sweet deals in order to save their butts in Missions.

You could try to kill Stretch and take over his yard. You would not succeed.


Why shouldn’t mechanics do repairs for free? What does doing repairs cost them?

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They can certainly do it for free, but being so slow and weak, they’ll have a tough time collecting LPs in later, tiered Missions. Very soon indeed, tougher Missions will pay out more LPs, and there will be easier Missions that pay out fewer. Mechanics need to make a living and buy upgrades, too, after all, and LPs don’t grow on trees.


(( ooc: This answered one question for me, but raised another. To wit: How long does a repair kit last? Must a new kit be purchased for each distinct instance of repair to a given vehicle, or is it a durable item.

Specific Example: Say I want to do repairs for @gwwar for the damage taken in round 1. Channing buys a repair kit at 4LP, and I do the labor at reduced rate. Now, we team up again for round 2, and Channing gets some more damage. Must a new repair kit be purchased, or does the old one still work? ))

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Yep. Repair kits last for one player’s repairs for a single Round. Junkyards up the road may offer cheaper parts packages. Maybe some will be scrounged along the way. You don’t know. :wink: