Indeed! 'Twasn’t just a Bigfoot sighting. To make a long, grim, and ultimately uninteresting story short, I spent the summer off the internet altogether, due to a range of issues personal, professional, medical, and familial. On those occasions when I could think about other things, I was consumed with regret and self-loathing for leaving the whole Wasteland and its stalwart denizens up in the air for four months plus. A bit over a week ago, shortly after I resumed having some sort of web presence, I reached out to @penguinchris to see if maybe we could hammer out a quick wrap-up to the BDW saga, just to tie up the loose ends. He and I have been working on an endgame since then, just on the off chance that anyone might be interested in some Wasteland closure.
If nobody’s interested, I most certainly understand. If any (or all) of you are more than a little pissed at me for pulling this vanishing act, I certainly understand that too. I can only offer in my defense that I was having the time of my life with Badass Dragons of the Wasteland, and that’s entirely due to all you guys and gals and Gorns, and I would never have left if my personal circumstances hadn’t demanded it as emphatically as they did. (The 10,996 unread emails in the Yahoo account tied to my Discourse account ought to be indicative of how out-of-touch I’ve been.) But my summer storms seem to have passed, and I’d really like to resume my old online presence, since my RL ships have finally righted themselves, so to speak.
So let me know what you think. If any of you are interested in a quick wrap-up, I propose the final two rounds take place over the course of just one week, beginning next Friday, 9/26, and concluding the following Friday, 10/03. Perhaps it could be a palate-cleanser to finally wash all that irradiated desert sand off our tongues, and clear our minds for whatever deep-space awesomeness and Badassery Pat has in mind.
Nixxxon undersssstatessss perhapsss! Actually, though those three issues (among others) hung heavily over BDW (and I take full responsibility for those failings), I think daneel might agree that BSD v.1 seemed like an awfully shipshape enterprise in those regards. In any event, I certainly learned a lot this past year. I look forward to playing Pat’s sequel, if you guys aren’t too mad at me, but now I know I ain’t no kind of GM, and I’ll happily leave the running of these future enterprises to the imaginative and competent folk like Pat. But I figure having a definite start date and end date will keep things under control. I never would have admitted it in college, but a firm deadline has always been my best friend when it comes to finishing something.
Still wanna help me get that kid to Mars? I promise it’ll only take a week.