Badass Space Dragon - Round 4 - Kill Don Mondo

The Patty made it back to base for refits. A little dinged up, but we saw that bounty hunter off. We don’t need that kind of scum.

Starting Cash: $25000

Hull Repairs: 35 X 110 = (3850)
1 cask of Moonshine = (8000)
Bits & Pieces x 5 = (4000)
Double Mint Gun x 2 = (4000)
Hull Density Adjustment x 5 = (2600)
Flak Burst x 2 = (2400)
Pre-emptive Bouquet purchase for fallen colleagues x 2 = (80)
2 tins of catfood for snacking on during the butchery = (60)

$10 left over. I’ll make a bet at the turf accountants on Mondo to survive. Hope I get good odds.

No need for a coffin, I can’t imagine any I’d prefer over the cockpit of the Patty. If I’m going out, it’s sitting the captain’s chair.

Remaining : 0

Mission 2: Disrupt the Coalition

We lizards need to stand together. As a legitimate businesslizard, I for one am sick of big government stifling free enterprise and entrepreneurship. We need to throw off the yoke of the oppressor. Too long have we been controlled from far-off Terra. What do they know of our problems, what do they care? I’ve got my ass shot up by pirates all through this Sector, what did the I.C.U.P ever do about that? They’re too busy gouging space-speeders for fat fines to spend time catching proper criminals.

I stand with Mondo. I suspect that we are going to our death, but that’s no reason to quit. We Lizards didn’t get where we are today by quitting. It’s like I was saying to Kss’nger the other day: Defeat doesn’t finish a lizard, quit does. A lizard is not finished when he’s defeated. He’s finished when he quits. We’ll patch up the screens as best we can, fire up the ultra-wave and take on the cream of the I.C.U.P.

If this is to be our Watergate, we’ll go out in a blaze of glory. History will be listening, and I’ll be recording.