Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/11/baltimore-police-officers-carr.html
Even the only-marginally-better-than-the-murderous-drug-dealers cops from The Wire didn’t make the Baltimore PD look that bad.
If public safety really mattered, there would be suprise inspections. And finding a throwdown weapon would mean permanent disqualification from ever carrying a weapon again.
How messed up that they don’t even bother to plant real guns. Next they’ll plant cell phones or wallets, either of which is also a “free murder card” these days.
I’m watching The Wire with my 16-year-old son. It’s depressingly current.
Yeah, we’re going to have to start treating cops like the intelligence services treat their own people. Lots of suspicion, tons of regular tests and testing of the testers, etc… Pretty much assuming that “Well duh, they have access to lots of valuable stuff (in intel communities it’s their information, with cops, it’s guns and drugs and selective enforcement), of course they’ll abuse it so let’s make sure everyone knows that they’re being watched and tested all the damn time”.
This isn’t news, is it? I could swear I heard this a few years back.
Hrm - yeah, I’ve heard of various places doing that. Remember the documentary Copland? Pretty fucked up.
No minor feat. Even as police departments go, BPD is notoriously corrupt and has been for decades.
Just a couple bad apples, folks. Nothing to see here.
It’s how a sociopath solves problems. You have to wonder what kind of weaksauce psyche test they have for police officers these days.
I very much enjoyed the part where it was suggested that this happens in Baltimore instead of being the standard around the nation.
Common practice in many cities. I understand that New Orleans PD raised it to a high art. Such ‘weapons’ even have a name: “drop piece”.
To quote Meathead from All In the Family, “No, officer, this incident will not change my opinion of the police one bit.”
But it worked out so well for Police Capt. Quinlan in a touch of evil, how do you think he had that amazing 30+ year career !
Do your have a pulse?
Is your IQ within 1/2 standard deviation of average?
Congratulations, you’re a cop.
It’s not that they don’t bother, it is that toy guns have some advantages that aren’t present with real guns. They cost less, don’t come with pesky eat to track serial numbers, and have the built in excuse if caught with one that they confiscated it from a kid because it was missing the tip.