Bamboo gone wild and neighbors from hell: Redditors share homeowning nightmares


My Rog, why did we plant mint?

We’re losing that war, inches at a time. At least it’s a pleasant smelling war.


sprinkler fail GIF


Ha, funny to see this mentioned, yes along with bamboo it’s a nightmare that starts out with a pleasantly naive daydream.



But one of them is cute!


luckily, i’m a millenial, so i’ll never know the joys of home ownership – my dad mismanaged his diabetes until he got vascular dementia, and my mother is so adamantly opposed to physical exercise she’ll probably also end up in a long term care facility – if i’m lucky, filial responsibility laws won’t apply to my meager savings with an out of state credit union in a state without such rules, but many folks here might find the abusive boomers who caused them to flee appalachia draining their savings from beyond the grave as a final “fuck you”

Never plant anything from the mint family in the ground, only in pots, and set those pots on concrete a good 10’ from the nearest bit of grass or dirt.

It took me 6 years to finally eradicate oregano the previous owner planted in one of the raised beds. :rage:


I suppose it depends on where you live. My mom planted oregano right in the ground, but between the brutal Houston summer and the winter cold snaps her oregano did not survive or spread despite how well it was growing. Personally i wouldn’t mind if mint or oregano just grew around my house, but i would not purposefully do so :stuck_out_tongue:

Here in TX however i have noticed that rosemary gets planted a lot, very vigorous grower and nearly impossible to kill. Grows pretty fast too but thankfully it’s not the kind of plant that will want to take over a yard. Reminds me i should get some :thinking:


SE Michigan, temperatures can exceed 100F in the summer (typically we top out around 97) or go below -20F (once every 15-20 years a day will be this cold). :woman_shrugging:

I just planted a rosemary in a pot, we haven’t had a plant in several years. Not since the last one was destroyed by a brief EF0 tornado that literally did no other damage than murdering this poor plant which was in a large terracotta pot that was absolutely saturated with water the evening before the storm. Better luck to this tiny new plant. :crossed_fingers:


I’ve got two nightmares for ya. Drunk home improvement contractor cuts hole for window in wrong place, and drunk home improvement contractor cuts hole for window in wrong place again.


Someone put out a hit on that poor thing


i… what?

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I have another story, about a painter who was supposed to put a delicate faux finish on the walls of an embassy I was involved with… I walked in that morning to find the painter sitting on the floor, rather inebriated despite the early hour, splatting big green polka dots on the walls. Not a home project, though. I urged him strenuously to paint over all of that, and, fortunately, he complied. Eventually it was redone.


Doom Patrol Art GIF by HBO Max


Every year as I weed my garden I wonder how did we get to the point as a society where I spend hours removing plants that want to grow here in favour of plants that don’t :joy:


Location, location, location, is the key, but £900/mo (in USD) is considerably less than what I pay for a 1 bedroom apartment in the DC suburbs, so a 3 bed semi-detached for £900/mo doesn’t seem that crazy.

Likewise, my front lawn is like 60% all kinds of weeds. Technically i don’t care and it could be 100% weeds but all of my neighbors have nicer lawns. Appearances don’t bother me but i figured i should be putting some effort into the house so lately i’ve been trying to control the weeds… it’s a losing battle and the grass has decided now is the time to get reaaal crispy :roll_eyes:

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Yep, out my way the average for a 1 bedroom apartment in Vancouver recently passed $3,000 (cdn) per month… A 3 to 4 bedrooms is more like 5 to 7 thousand on average… It’s truely bonkers.

I am envious of £900 :joy:


I let my lawn go dormant as soon as the heat hits for water conservation (and not caring about grass, but environment is an easier sell to neighbours in a lawn heavy neighbourhood) reasons. The clover and other “weeds” actually stay greener far longer.

If the landlord is feeling obliging or sufficiently tightly policed. Otherwise most of the lulz of ownership apply; except that you are forbidden to fix them and/or get to enjoy fixing them on a ‘paying for the capital improvements that will justify the higher rent for the now more desirable property’ basis.

Building management is absolutely more efficient when handled by dedicated specialists; it’s just the matter of making sure that they pass the savings on rather than focusing on fascinating explorations of the fact that they get paid because otherwise you get evicted; not for being effective at maintenance.