Except that the MMR vaccine is the vaccine that STARTED the whole anti-vaxxer movement. So while you could certainly argue that people avoiding vaccines for their children are not rational (I would certainly argue that), it’s also probably one of the ones that people are LEAST likely to have nowadays.
Thanks indeed, Jenny McCarthy. And Dr Wakefield. And every other woo peddler out there.
I do wonder if the MMR vaccine is going to wind up in a similar boat as pertussis, where a booster shot is important/helpful later in life. I made sure to get the pertussis with my tetanus booster before I went near some newly arrived baby humans. I’d do the same for other vaccines, because I definitely don’t want to contribute to any babies getting sick.
I actually never ended up getting a pertussis booster (I don’t think) when we had our first kid. I have a vague recollection of the doctor mentioning it and then… Nothing. I guess my doctor didn’t deem it too much of a risk, since she is generally pretty good about that kind of thing. Although maybe I did get one and just don’t remember, that is equally as likely. Memories from those early days of the first baby are… hazy.
Yeah, it’s the same problem with chicken pox now. Because we’re not regularly being exposed to the virus anymore, our immune systems don’t automatically top up, so even those of us old enough to have had the disease no longer have lifetime immunity.