Originally published at: Bathroom with bed inside listed as "micro studio" apartment for rent in Vancouver | Boing Boing
Vancouver: always striving to be at the cutting edge of crappy residential real estate practises for global cities.
Ummmm, that’s a prison cell, just so’s yous know. Put a bunk bed in one and bang, you have a come & go as you please prison cell.
I’m not sure it was removed because it violated any codes. It might have been removed because once I and a bunch of my friends and a bunch of their friends saw it we flagged the shit out of the posting, because it’s ridiculous.
The amount of BS that’s been going on in the Vancouver housing and rental market is nuts. I knew this was going to come down as soon as I saw it. The city has a bad enough reputation for stupid high rents and home purchase prices without something so blatantly illegal.
From the looks of the platform toilet to the odd projections in the ceiling, I think maybe this is the sub-sub-basement.
So where’s the kitchen?
I knew someone in Austin whose bathroom was in the kitchen, and vice-versa. I have no idea whether that was up to code, then or now.
This was in the early-90s, before things (rent, housing prices, urban growth etc.) really took off there, so it wasn’t a case of the landlord seeing what they could get away with in a tight market – the place was old and looked to have been that way for a long time. (I am guessing it’s since been torn down and replaced with something else.)
But there isn’t any remainder of the unit so this is fine, right? Yay capitalism.
Capsule living can be okay if that’s your lifestyle. You could have a shower & toilet combo cubicle, with the air extraction through the toilet (I had that in a hotel room in Amsterdam). I am sure the Tiny Homes people could make something lovely out of this. But this place is horrible.
There are definitely some old apartments in NYC with that set-up - it was cheaper to keep all the plumbing in one place, I guess?
See also:
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