BB coverage of Rob Ford

I see, a comment board is like a party. Your analogies are as amazing as mine are inapt: first it was your brilliant ice cream analogy, and now it’s this party analogy. Fantastic. I suppose I should feel bad I haven’t brought anything other than whine to this party, but maybe the hosts should feel bad about bombarding me with advertisements and for failing to say “Hi” when I came in.

And yes, the ONLY reason I got to parties or come here is to talk about how superior I am. But if the only alternative is to never disagree or say anything critical, then I guess I really would rather be in the ONLY-TALKS-ABOUT-HOW-GREAT-HE-IS camp.

And where did I insult the hosts, again? Ive seen you use the quote feature once or twice, even though you mostly neglect to do so which makes it difficult to know exactly what you’re responding to.

Yeah, it pretty much is. Various people mingling, some know each other, some don’t, some are sober, some aren’t, etc.

As for Mr. Ford, I’ll bet he’s been called worse, I’ll bet he doesn’t give a shit, and any time he cares to he can do the right thing and resign from public office to pursue appropriate medical treatment options for the behaviors that have earned him public ridicule.

BTW - Any chance you brought any cheese to go with that whine?

Except for the fact that everyone came here to comment on a particular issue, which is not at all how most parties work. In fact, off-topic conversations are frowned upon here, which is why comments about BB’s coverage of Ford have been moved here. Don’t think this really happens at a party: this is more like a political rally or or a town hall meeting.

There’s no doubt Ford has been called worse. Just not by the media. And he’s pretty vocal what he thinks about the Star’s coverage; it’s pretty clear that he does care what is said about himself.

Just gonna leave this here to help y’all with your holiday shopping…

Ah. So your issue is with the “culture” and / or moderation at BBS and not the Mayor Ford coverage in particular? Perhaps you should party shuffle away from the bar over towards the snackies table then. It’s buffet style, pick as you choose :grin:

No opinion on the topic at hand, but I will point out that offering a suggestion to the host – “great party, but next time you might want to consider warning folks that the cat box is in the downstairs bathroom” – is not inappropriate.

Let Cory take his own umbrage, if he so wishes. This isn’t an attack, he doesn’t need the rather overenthusiastic defense.

I have no idea how you conclude, from me observing that a comment board is not like a party, that I was complaining about BBS’s culture or moderation and not about coverage of Ford in particular.

As does his loyal staff

But this isn’t one of those suggestions. This is usually more like, “Hey, guys, the music is too loud for me. You should turn it down. And I’m lactose intolerant, why is there a plate of cheese on this buffet table full of other stuff? You really shouldn’t serve cheese. A GOOD host wouldn’t. And over here, look how you cut these sandwiches… lengthwise. Not diagonally? What are we, savages?!”

They’re complaining about the stuff that the hosts chose to present and aren’t to their tastes, or aren’t presented to their tastes, but that other people seem to enjoy.

That’s kind of rude. Not everything’s going to be to your taste to a party. Either you grin and bear it and don’t bring it up with the host unless it’s a serious issue, or you realize that these aren’t your kind of people, and this isn’t your kind of party.

Btw, in a number of previous instances, long ago, where this was brought up, the hosts have said pretty much this kind of thing: “We present what we like, if you don’t approve of what we’ve chosen, you’re welcome to a refund for the money you paid.” Personally responding every time someone rudely brings up how every single one of the party treats don’t match up with their tastes… well, that’s a lot of work for a couple guys and girls throwing a huge party full of people with their own tastes, and they’ve probably gotten tired of responding to each, so, when people aren’t aware of this basic netiquette issue, sometimes fellow partygoers take it upon themselves to make the point and relieve the hosts of that extra burden.

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