BBC gives up on Threads

I have a Friendica instance on a RPi3 with a freebee DDNS domain. My setup was a little complicated, but that’s because it’s sharing the Pi and domain with Mediawiki. Using its own domain and Pi-equiv with a Docker install would probably go a lot smoother. (During initial testing, I installed it on a RPi1, and it worked, but I wouldn’t recommend that! :smile:)

Because of design choices to enable Mastodon to scale up, a RPi4-8G is the absolute bottom for scaling down with limited users. There are a number of packages that will run much happier on a tiny setup. I picked Friendica because it used the same LAMP stack as Mediawiki.

The current view of the Fediverse from my node:


Just make a new video sharing platform:

  1. Maximum video length: 5 seconds
  2. 1:10 vertical aspect ratio only. If you turn your phone sideways it auto-rotates the video so it’s a narrow band with huge empty black spaces on the sides

It’s destined to make billions!


To be honest watching a woman pee herself as the bombs drop turns out to be the correct mental image for “Threads”…

No one should use threads…


I mean Threads is really just Instagram and Instagram really is about fashion (more than 50% of posts on Insta are about that topic alone) and whiny famous people who have the comments/replies to their posts turned off where they put the bare minimum in to promote their projects just enough to keep corporate folks happy. Definitely not the same as twitter

If Zuck didn’t scare the EU at the start of the site’s launch mostly blocking it’s launch there and had a proper desktop site it could have had a chance.


English Teacher Exams GIF

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There’s a reason my generation is as fucked up as it is. We had to watch this in High School. That was not a fun day.

I’ve had many a discussion with school mates about how we honestly expected to die in an apocalypse.


It’s even simpler than that, you could just move to another instance without losing anything (well…I think you do lose a few things like bookmarks, maybe? but most things follow along).

One of the greatest things about an open, federated social network is that if you don’t like the server you’re on, you can move with very little friction. It’s completely the opposite of traditional social media that locks you in.

If you do a little research, you can find a server with values you agree with. It sounds like does not hold your values. Many servers are run as coops, accept feedback from their members, and clearly state what kind of community they strive for.

Likewise. We still might…


Don’t get people’s hopes up, that’s just cruel.


It is? ­

The thing people thought they were doing with one sleazy social advertising site after another. Eventually as people delete apps and move without their network moving with them or just lose their network through them leaving people will begin to, or just find they already have, turn their backs on the whole phenomenon.

I like to think we will walk away and pretend it never happened.


I remember in the early 90s, feeling the sheer novelty: looking at a projected date that had a year starting with a “2” and not laughing. “What is this strange feeling? Is it what they call ‘hope for the future’? I don’t know if I like it or not…”


Meta did well with Facebook and by acquiring Instagram, but its newer offerings just don’t have legs.


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The thing about Mastodon is that it doesn’t want to be “it”. Mastodon is more of a protocol than a site. The thing that drives Mastodon is that if you’re someone like the BBC, you make your own Mastodon server and have full control over who gets to make accounts on your server, set your own rules, and so on.

Mastodon is basically applying the philosophy of e-mail servers to social media instances.


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