Beatboxer creates killer trip hop groove with just his mouth and digital looping

Originally published at: Beatboxer creates killer trip hop groove with just his mouth and digital looping | Boing Boing


with just his mouth and digital looping

Without the digital looping, it’s more like not Beatbox’n.



had to shout that cuz I get Very Excited about the harmonics and overtones and undertones and vocal fry and the way humans can sing multiple distinct notes and sounds all at once

I mean, all singing and speaking includes harmonics, but the ability to consciously vary frequencies of one or more elements of the sound independently of others absolutely floored me when I first heard it (in the mid-1980s) and it still flips my AWE switch every time


That was neat. I like laying down a beat has been able to historically progress from drums, to drum machines, to the human voice.

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I got to have a shot at the vocal harmonics in a music subject at Uni. One part is what is happening in your mouth and another is finding the resonance frequencies in the room - the shower is a great place to try this (no water :grin:). Also found that guys or women with deeper voices found this easier than I did. Much of the technique involves making a ‘wow’ shape with your mouth and finding the pitch with your throat.


On a few extra views the mouth seems to be working as a filter on all the sounds in his performance - kinda like a synth band pass filter in conjunction with resonance. Wouldn’t have a clue about how to achieve the resonance.

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