Beautiful new song from Billie Eilish and Rosalía

Originally published at:


Curmudgeon here. Every time I get angry at my daughters’ generation
(tweenagers) they do a cart-wheel, perfectly explain what cytoplasm is and show me
videos like this.

The kids are gonna be alright.


Can we not go to Billie Eilish land? I am inundated with it everywhere else, and it’s not like you don’t have other things you could be reporting on, DAVID.

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Pretty song.
All that production…

That’s funny. My curmudgeonly kernel is less appreciative. Can’t think of a single popular artist these days I actually enjoy listening to*. And it makes me mean. My kids will be fine, I agree with you there, but I just keep feeling ‘damn, is there something wrong with me that I hate the music they like?’. Been struggling with it for years. How Music Works is on my list to see if helps me figure this out before I am ranting at clouds.

*popular, that is. There is new stuff I like but it doesn’t chart.

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I dunno, this one didn’t get as much play, but I really liked it:


Ahi Hay Lolotehe, mofos. All Hail Mother Lolth!


No, that’s the point. If you liked it, then they wouldn’t …

It’s literally the same thing my parents said about my music tastes. And their parents said about theirs.

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I’m just hoping those fingernails don’t become a new fashion trend.

When I was in HS, I was really into punk/ska bands. I tried to get my dad to listen to it, but he always said it sounded like trash and tried to get me to listen to Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

Nowadays I go back to my old CDs and aside from a few exceptions I can see he was right, then put on Dark Side of the Moon :slight_smile:

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There is some of that at work, but my kids actually pivoted around to Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, and Supertramp all on their own. Then I heard them play The Alan Parsons Project and I nearly lost it. They were really surprised to hear that my favourite group from way back when.
All it takes is some exposure to other music and they’ll explore it out of curiosity.

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[ETA] also, if you’re whinging that @pesco should pay attention to the news… first, Boing Boing isn’t a news outlet and have you seen his usual posts? It’s mostly cryptid based… :woman_shrugging: We come to him for our cryptid news! And music!


There’s these things called headphones, see… I think the younger generations calls them “earbuds.” Anyway this miraculous little invention actually makes it possible to shut out sounds that one doesn’t care for by piping the preferred music of one’s choice directly into the ear canal…


I’ve found that not clicking on any headline that has the words “Billie Eilish” in it helps.


There’s this other fantastic invention, too; it’s called the mute button…


Unpopular opinion but I honestly think pop music, if nothing else, is a lot better now than when I was a teen.

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Billie Eilish was the first artist my (then 6 or 7, now 10yr old) daughter got me into.

Is the point. You might not get it, or like it, but the signal chain on her voice is utterly contemporary. There are lots of producers that are very contemporary that I don’t really get (hey Arca!) But that’s just me. I didn’t and don’t like lots of people who were cool before. I have a particular distaste for 80s production with the overuse of gate reverb and really poor quality first generation digital sound. Digital is awesome. Some of that old shit was absolute junk though.

ETA listening to Arca’s new record now. She is the real deal.

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Me, I like it raw.

If it’s recorded and reproduced, it’s cooked. Every time.

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OK, rare then.

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