Originally published at: Bees buzzing on caffeine are better at their jobs, a study finds | Boing Boing
Do you suppose the bees are more likely to sting in the early morning before a drink?
Me too, bees. Me too.
Starbucks should check out these flowers to add a bit extra to their coffee.
Performance enhancing drugs enhance performance. Just make sure you don’t get put into the control group tomorrow morning lil’ buddy…
Talk about a coffee buzz
Based on my co-workers’ tendencies, definitely yes.
I’m buzzing, Right Now!
This has been looked at previously, with somewhat different outcomes:
I’ve often wondered whether this phenomenon was in effect with my kitchen ants.
Sure, more efficiently. But are they still enjoying themselves?
Struggling to insert pun about stopping to smell the roses here.
Do they crash at some point when the buzz wears off? I certainly do.
Well, in my case it’s not a literal crash, but if I was flying through meadows on bee wings…
Now thinking of adding a bit of coffee to our hummingbird feeder.
I’m bumbling, Right Now!
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