Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/11/06/behold-the-unnervingly-rectang.html
A missed opportunity to use an “udderly” pun.
I think most of the paintings of this style were Georgian, rather than Victorian.
For some reason, they make me think of bonsai kittens.
At least they fit well into a rectangular frame.
Me. too!
So long as nobody uses vertical video. Even though they’re portraits, quadrupeds show best in landscape mode.
Hmmm…I was always taught you should assume a spherical cow.
Two of the three pictures that come with our house are of a square cow and a square pig, named Royston and Dahlia respectively.
The actual animals can look remarkably similar to rectangular solids.
Reminds me square pigs in the Dennis Hopper dumpster fire Space Truckers. Tagline: They’ve shipped everything from square pigs to anti-gravity beer… But now they’ve got a load of real trouble.
Stock cubes?
Who lives in a pastoral next to the sea?
Spongebull Squareflanks!
Yes, but only in a vacuum. (No, not the “Hoover”.)