Beloved 114-year-old Japanese candy company will close in January

Originally published at: Beloved 114-year-old Japanese candy company will close in January | Boing Boing

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For reference, Consumer Price Inflation in Japan is currently at 3%

Whether this means that their input costs have raced past any sustainable price point, or whether there’s something else at work here and this is not really inflation related, I don’t know.


“As a competitor, we feel sad” about Sakumaseika’s exit, said a Sakuma Confectionery spokesperson. “But perhaps we tried harder to try new ways, a new product line-up.”

that’s about as polite a burn as you are ever going to see.


Whenever i see those tins of hard candies i can only think of Grave of the Fireflies and it just gives me instant sadness. Checking online and yes, the candy in the anime is pretty much a direct reference of this company



You can still get the rival version.

The obvious move for Sakuma Confectionary would be to buy out Sakumaseika. Or wait for it to go bankrupt and then buy the intellectual property rights.

Not to mention that they actually released Grave of the Fireflies branded tins at some point, which has gotta be one of the less good-taste pieces of movie tie-in branding of all time


I did see that as well, i was perplexed about it.

Geez, Sakuma Confectionery, you won. Let it go.

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