… the Scott Adams disease
I don’t know that he “is” anywhere really—it’s not like 78-year-old millionaires still have day jobs
He used to be the most minor of minor celebrities but that was a long time ago
I guess then The Mask is not a classic.
“We all wear masks.”
What does he “think” about anti-semitism, one can’t help wondering.
I am sure that his only definition of it is “Failure to support rightwing Israeli politics and the genocide of Palestine”
I mean, no one has ever tried to put him in a gas chamber, so it is obviously another woke, left-wing lie…you know, like the Holocaust. /s
So much for aging with quiet dignity.
I’m not sure it is. I remember like yesterday watching it with my girlfriend in her basement. The one with Cher? For sure good, but not in same league with FBDO. I’m glad you mentioned it, thought, so I can go watch it.
That was basically the premise of his game show “Win Ben Stein’s Money” that inexplicably ran for six whole seasons on Comedy Central.
The Cher film was just called “Mask”, no “The”.
It’s a bloody good film, I’ll give you that. Made my missus and me cry at the time.
“The Mask”, in which he had a small part, was the Jim Carrey job.
Don’t really know why I’m posting this as I’m sounding pedantic.
Anyway, back to Stein - bit of an arse, there.
Or remember why he came to the grocery store, as opposed to remembering his home phone numbers from childhood
Not sure what happened there - can only guess they were too smart for the likes of us
(Edit: typo)
You are posting it so that I don’t have to sound pedantic posting it.
I salute your sacrifice
Meh, just someone’s mindfart unworthy of resmelling.
Got it. That Mask. Hehe.
Has the Ben brain virus been released? What is making white people named Ben say such ridiculous things lately? Does the Ben brain virus cross racial barriers? /s
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