Berlin lets swimmers have their boobs out

In the mean time the right wing gov of Germany, goes after the gays, and is driving them all off twitter, after the sent out letters to thousands of gay men in Germany saying that their twitter accounts are now porn and they are braking German laws on distributing porn, and starts sending people to jail for a year for distributing porn to minors. (cos you dont need a credit card to sign up to twitter)

So driving gay men back into the closet or jail…

Huh? Do you have a link to that story? Because as a German I have not heard of it, and as you know Germany doesn’t have a right wing government right now? (At least as far as generally accepted party affiliations go)


I am not based in Germany myself, but have about 10 gay men I follow on twitter all of them have posted about it, obvs not going to share here who, but they have all deleted every single post they have, and some have had the letter off German gov.

Is the only news story about it i have seen, and i had to relie on google translate, as my german is only good enough to get brekfest of hotel checkins.

So better than that of the person who wrote that article? Seriously, that article is… something else. I don’t doubt that those people received their letters. Distributing porn without effective age checks is illegal and occasionally state media regulators pursue cases. That is nothing new. However I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that it is disproportionately targeting gay people or any content that isn’t actually pornography. Even the author of that rant points out that simple nudity or sexual language aren’t a problem.


Yeah, it’s a mess. But like you all I can read beneath the layers of panic is that people who posted porn were fined for posting porn. And that it didn’t matter whether it was straight or gay porn.

But then again, as soon as I read “right wing German government” in the OP I expected the information to be …less than accurate


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