Don’t count on it. My beliefs were pretty mainstream 20 years ago, maybe a little left-ish socially and a little right-ish economically. Today I am considered a radical socialist anti-American anti-White libtard lunatic by the right wing, and a mysogynist racist accomodationist teabagging lunatic by the left - although my core values and expressed views have changed very little. Every year the divisions become more two-sided and cartoonish, and more nuance is elided in favor of confrontational memes (examples: Hitlery, tiny orange hands, teabaggers, libtards, Make American Great Again, &etc. ad nauseum).
Third parties are our only real hope at this point; we all would be far better off today if Sanders had bailed on the Dems after the primaries and run under a third party banner.
Your proud that your core values have been in stasis for 20 years, which I assume is most of your adult life?
I’m proud that mine have changed dramatically from the pseudo-libertarian white privilege loving idiot of my youth who thought misogyny was overblown and racism was mostly a done issue (at least I very was pro-LGBT, I guess).
Even my GOP granny hates homophobia and race baiting these days. People should evolve over a lifetime.
I’m so old I remember when man-made climate change was understood by nearly everyone to be a historical fact and this was completely uncontroversial… Don Marquis’s poem “what the ants are saying” is a morbid favorite of mine.
So you whippersnappers better get off my lawn or I’ll shake my cane angrily and mutter at you!
So, now that everyone’s attending Breakfast at Bernie’s events and Congress is begging apostacy, does that mean he can referendum to be Antipresident (same job, just promises to take the money and toss congress out of some baser motive everyone wants) and win that?