Big Hero 6 fabric excludes girl characters because boys think girls are "yuck": manufacturer

Ah! my faith in market economy has been restored. Let’s consume.


That’s not even an exaggeration—I think Princess Leia and Aunt Beru were the only female characters from the original trilogy who were even important enough to have their names mentioned on screen. (And don’t give me that “Mon Mothma was one of the most important characters in the whole franchise!” nonsense. She had less than 30 seconds of screen time and only became a notable character in the Expanded Universe.)


Wait… What about R2?!


This sort of Good vs Evil, Manichean intent-assignment is idiotic, and part of the reason these issues get so heated. Do you actually think the company has a specific goal and policy of excluding women? What rot. The problem is bad enough without people assigning actual malign intent to people who screw up.

So, let’s be clear about what’s happening here: this manufacturer THINKS (thought) boys don’t want girls on their stuff, based on lame-but-widely-believed cultural stereotypes, and didn’t bother to research it in any way. They were clueless about the fact that they were sending a bad message, and HAVE RESPONDED in a way that suggests they are learning. It doesn’t help to impute motives that didn’t exist.


Bears repeating.


This is Disney. It is their Standard Operating Procedure.

According to this, they only purchased Star Wars and Marvel to shore up the boy demographic and they will continue to ignore female characters in these properties thanks to the doctrine of market segmentation.

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I like her suggestions. One day, if we all pull together and work hard, I honestly believe we can create a new revenue stream for Disney.

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But at least it will be a representative revenue steam.

It’ll be a revenue stream I’ll feel better about contributing to…

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Not only that: no ready-made costumes, or even accessories. I did an acceptable job creating the Mai costume entirely from scratch for one of my kids, but not everyone has the time or the skill set to do that.


Yep. I wonder if they would ever have done the right thing without the noise?

One hopes they will next time, at least.

Allegedly “Cooties” has its origin as a word in WWI – a catchall for diseases that foreign prostitutes had (although Wikipedia says Lice–same idea).

The actual phenomenon internationally I guess has many names, according to Wikipedia.

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Wait, what have they actually done exactly other than say “well, thanks for telling us everyone”?


There’ve begun working on new designs that will include the female characters…they do need some time to do this. Since they have to be approved by Disney it can’t happen overnight.

waits anxiously
runs to store
finds new Big Hero 4 merchandise

Damn it!

No, Mark said " did the right thing" which implies they actually have done something. I eagerly await them to wait for this to blow over and continue as they have.


Or perhaps, like an adult, you could give them a chance to make good. That seems unlikely.

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Yeah, I guess we can’t all just take a corporation at their word like you growed ups. I guess some of us just don’t trust all people when they haven’t earned it, my friend.



You don’t have to trust them…if they don’t have any new designs in a reasonable time, then make a stink again. But if you automatically disbelieve their response, then protest seems pointless.