Bigots who swore their religious beliefs would force them to divorce if Australia passed marriage equality renege on promise

Yes, but the parliamentary way doesn’t directly ask the people to endorse or veto same-sex marriage.

It didn’t stop the opponents from ranting loudly about it, and protesting in the streets.

If it was 51% “Yes” then I’d say maybe they weren’t sure how it would turn out. Because it was over 60% “Yes” I have to assume that whatever reason they held it, they knew the outcome before it began.

I think it was a just providing political cover so they didn’t have to answer to the bigoted minority that is a majority of their own party. Leaders of right-wing parties all over the world are struggling to maintain their current order (supply side economics and masking bigotry with colourblind language) against their bigoted supporters who are tired of the double talk and want to be straight up bigoted.

I doubt their leadership cares one way or another about gay marriage, not deeply. The economic order we have relies on their being and underclass, but it doesn’t care who that underclass is, so it’s kind of gay-marriage agnostic. But he’s probably facing the same pressure the Republicans are, the same pressure the Tories in England are, the same pressure the Canadian Conservatives are (I don’t know much about non-English politics, but obviously openly bigoted parties are taking over/have taken over in other places too).

I think they held the referendum so they could say to the bigots, “Look, we get it, this is bad, but the people have spoken!” and, out of the other side of their mouths, say, “We’re the government who legalized gay marriage, we’re not the party of bigots!”

To take this a bit further, another thing they could have done is actually get divorced. Actually end their relationship because they don’t feel they can be married under those laws. Actually sacrifice something in their fight for their God. Gay people have sacrificed a lot to pursue their rights.

If their religious views don’t allow divorce, maybe one of them could self-immolate to get the other one out of the marriage. Do they know that people have fucking self-immolated as part of a fight for religious freedom?

So they can take their cheap talk and shove it up their asses.


Yeah, we’re all just sitting around up here waiting for you guys.

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It’s harder than it used to be. Gotta line up a job first, or be rich.

I started keeping tabs on the process after my first visit to Toronto.

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Find a smaller centre to move to, there are plenty of jobs to be had.

I can only say “Yeah!!!”

“we said it, but we never intended to actually do it”

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