Bill Nye tells us how he became the Science Guy


How cool is it that Nye took an astronomy class from Sagan? He influenced Bill Nye and NGT, along with much of America via Cosmos–the dude was just bad ass.


So cool. Bill Nye IS the science guy. I love him.

OMG, how endothermic was that?


I agree, he was, still is, bad ass. Too bad the mid-90s engineering class at apple had a different kind of “rump” take on Carl.

Wipe me.

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he talks about people who tell him that they became scientists and engineers because they watched his show. i became an engineer for many reasons and one of them is definitely because i watched his show (granted, i was already interested in breaking and fixing things).
he spoke at my undergrad graduation ceremony from RPI in 1999. shook his hand, took my diploma. pretty cool

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